
The picture Box1813 posted is Uli, Uli doesn’t care about anything. He’s a nihilist. They believe in nothing. You better get them their money or they’ll cut off your Johnson.

Man, y’all gotta get your titles straight.


I’m so glad I have a mechanically linked gas pedal...

I’ll take a throttle cable, please and thank you.

Lefse? That’s Norwegian.

I love your work and I’mma let you finish but–

Centripetal, actually.

Whoa! Nice e-mail address. I’ll trade you the Skyline for that e-mail address.

“A diet of Doritos and rubber bands”

I would daily the sh!t out of this thing.

Sorry/not sorry to ruin/elevate the rest of your day.

Unrelated but I think you need to see this

Congratulations, Mr. Doctor-G-and-the-wagen, on today’s COTD! You say that you like hot wings? Well, here’s your award...............hot wings!

Better than being pis... oh...

The ingenious waitress’ name has been lost to history, but the Legend of The Waitress With The World’s Driest Sense Of Humor is still whispered to this very day.

DOT 5 brake fluid is silicone-based.