Squid pro quo

That poor Gardevoir. You never Google yourself. EVUR.

300 dollar cooler full of fanciness or 40 dollar cooler and 260 dollars of alcohol...

Wasn't Shrek based on Maurice Tillet? Thought I actually read that here some time ago.

It is not fair to judge someone without really getting to know them, but I can very confidently say that if I ever met someone who said they didn't like Dolly Parton I would know pretty much I would want nothing to do with them. Luckily I have never met anyone who doesn't like Dolly Parton.

He looks AND acts like Prince Joffrey.

Josh Friedman sounds like a smart guy. And I was quite a fan of Sarah Connor. But that is not how twitter works.

Not to defend the MRA clusterfuckbrains on the other article, but Jezebel did say (in their original reporting on the article):

Fuck this lady. Seven months?! She let this go on for seven months without saying anything?! Was she just hoping it would go away or something? I hate stuff like this. Way to make it 10 times harder for actual rape victims to come forward and be believed. Especially women who were raped by public figures.

Pretty glaring omission here:

I was working retail at a huge department store chain one holiday season. One day right before Christmas, we had huge rush of people last minute shopping and the lines were incredibly long. I had been at my register for hours without a break because the line never would die down.

"Is this what you want to do with your life?" Says the woman who chose to spend her morning arguing about the price of socks.

Excellent point.

Maybe it's just me, but I see black stuff on that picture. I was supposed not to see it or what? Because I fucking see it and I don't know if there is something wrong with me (like multiple sclerosis or sarcoidosis) or this stuff is so black that it's quite visible on bright background :D

blackest thing in existence.... these people have clearly never seen my ex's heart

Dragon's Dogma was a flawless game to me. I have never and will never enjoy a new IP more than this. My heart was broken when the internet said nope. Kotaku's review of DD was when I stopped caring about Kotaku's reviews, because in the video that went with DD:DA, the guy was literally playing it wrong and complaining

I'm doing Zangief for a con in 2 weeks ;)

I am not sure this is the exact moment, but the ending scene of Pan's Labyrinth and the followup text was both heartbreaking and heartwarming. A deeply moving film.

If you take a bite from a sandwich and it tastes like feces, would you take another bite or even consider finishing it?

Some of my weight loss hacks have do with preventing opportunities for failure when my self control is weak.