Squid pro quo


The rest of the world is rooting for you, America. You got this! 


Sweet Jesus what is this and why

I feel cursed

Please add ”satirical genius” to your name thanks

You guys, I just started playing the point-and-click Irony Curtain. Hilarious, in the style of SCUMM games. Please check it out, it's an unsung gem! 

Hey Jia,


More of a true crime than ghost story, but here it goes:


Milk of the poppy?

Please tell me your name really is Clover Hope.

5 MILLION POINTS FOR OCTOPODES! I really hope this helps people move away from “octopii”

I can’t wait until all fingers start pointing to Blatter. Just. Can't. Wait.

I zoomed in....

And they didn’t even have to call it “conscious uncoupling”. Weird.

I picture him a selfish lover? I always imagined that Lisa is the only one who has been able to dominate him in bed and thus derive pleasure.

Better then? BETTER THEN?