Squid pro quo

Yeah, I’m sure the company is still bad. But probably not “force ten year old rape victims to have a baby” bad.

Every time I deal with a spider I think about the copy of Plants vs Zombies that ended up stuck on Fahey’s office ceiling and wonder if it’s still there.

Destroy All Humans! 2, Immortality, Tinykin, TMNT: Cowabunga Collection, F1 Manager 2022, The Last of Us: Part 1.

Honestly if you came back from the dead you should totally eat yourself to recollect the biomass. Waste not, want not!

Color meow interested.

Guys...I don’t want to cause a panic here, but I’m *starting* to think gaming has a male toxicity problem...

From top left:
Back: Greg Street, Cory Stockton, David Kosak, Josh Mosqueira
Front: Alex Afriasabi, Paul Cazarez, John LeCraft, Jesse McCree

Reminds me of Adam Smith’s “Impartial Spectator” theory - the idea being that most of us decide what is moral by subconsciously thinking “What would a neutral observer think of this action I’m taking?”

Oh God, the mobile games. It feels like that’s all I play now. Short gameplay bursts that are totally non-committal.

The internal drives are 1 TB SSDs using some version of the NVMe standard that allows for very, very fast data transfer. It can load almost 5 gigs of (compressed) data from storage to local memory per second.

Life in Aggro is sooooo close to home with this one. I’m trans, bulimic, and an abuse survivor so my self image is utterly trash. I ask my wife about 10 times a week if I look normal. Usually she has some sarcastic goofy response. Last night she outright told me no, she’d had a couple of drinks.

Too soon?

I feel...so impure.

Doesn’t it drive you crazy that there are gamers out there so irritating that it forces you to do something so dirty like agreeing with EA on anything?

I can’t believe im siding with....EA...

I mean, just off the top of my head there’s that other big soccer game. PES, right? And there are other types of video games (I just started this really obscure one, Witcher 3 - you probably haven’t heard of it, but it’s not bad so far. These CD Projekt Red guys might have a future if they keep it up), there are

Normally I would jump at the chance to play a Star Wars in the mold of Fallen Order. However, the general “meh” response that I have seen has stifled that urge. It is also further tempered by the backlog that I personally have as well as what is coming up on the gaming horizon.

I finished DMC V this week, which is bittersweet - it’s honestly and surprisingly one of the best games I’ve played in years, right up there with God of War and Persona 5 in my mind. Not words I ever expected to say, but this game is polished to a shine and plays like a dream, so much that I’m sure I’ll pop back in