"The game combines the intense action of a "AAA" console shooter, with the persistence, scale, and customization of an MMO..."
"The game combines the intense action of a "AAA" console shooter, with the persistence, scale, and customization of an MMO..."
Here's a TAY question for y'all:
I dunno - they've been doing little but pissing me off in the past few years. They fashion themselves as the guardians of literary gaming, and are somehow shocked when people figure out that the writing's hollow and, ultimately, toothless. (Sorry, but their "groundbreaking" homosexual romance options are an absolutely…
This isn't in any order and lacks Wii games (I haven't had a chance to play a Wii for the past two years), but:
The gameplay looks pretty Borderlandsy, too - beyond just the player-character models and vehicles. Being an MMO, I can't help but think that they won't use the lower health totals that CoD or Battlefield use, and I even have to think that they'll use more Borderlands-influenced health amounts than Halo-influenced…
1) Shooter, which appears to at the very least have FPS elements (scopes appeal to FPS, even if the game ends up being in third-person);
So... Borderlands with a metric butt-ton of people?
The heavy, inky lines in the '08 PoP were very, very nicely done. (A little reminiscent of Borderlands, but the PoP art style had more motion and ability to flow, whereas Borderlands often looked its best when static.) I'd gladly see more games striking out in that sort of direction.
I'm glad you mentioned Okami. I'm not sure how I forgot to mention how much I love the visuals in that game, but it's been one of my favorites in terms of eye-candy since I first saw it.
Ah, c'mon. Everyone loves a good hat simulator.
I cannot tell a lie: I loved de Blob for this very reason. So many colors, patterns, &c. That's one of those few games that legitimately makes me happy to play. (Flower's the same thing - buckets of color with simple gameplay mechanics.)
BF3 had me enthralled for the first week, for sure. It's gorgeous - especially when all the effects blend in seamlessly (lens flares into liquid into physics blast effects into grass, &c. - it's really amazing). It almost makes me wish that it wasn't a shooter, just to enjoy the space without getting shot up...
I liked the style of Borderlands so much - until about mid-way through the game. The art direction's cel-shaded approach was a lot of fun, but their choice of colors was obnoxiously drab up to a point. ("I bet this next area's going to be brown. Oh, look. It's brown.") I thought that some of the DLC improved this…
In terms of aging, I've (and this sounds kinda weird to say) always thought games like Super Mario RPG have actually aged better than GoldenEye. Similarly, I almost feel that some of the older Final Fantasies may have longer-lasting visual appeal than, say, Final Fantasy 8 or the realistically-styled entries. (I…
Played BF3 last night for the first time in a long time without screaming at my team-mates. (Go figure, they were ze Germans. Efficient, lots of top squad awards...)
$75? You could buy a cheap blazer for that. Blazer.
WHFB's been pumping out its art direction since its inception in the early '80s. The original Warcraft was put out in '94. For reference, TES: Arena was also released in '94. Also, DnD was done in '74. Let's not even mention all of the fantasy roleplaying games and materials released in the later '70s and '80s after…
While a lot of that indicates that the lore is different, it doesn't speak to the visual-end art direction. I'll gladly give WoW all its due rights to creating a compelling lore - which should theoretically influence the art direction - but the design similarities (the look of the races, armor, weapons, architecture,…
Meanwhile, at EA Headquarters...
You might need to explain this one to me. All the footage I've watched, the little time I've watched someone play it, and the massive number of screenshots posted all around the internet for the past half-decade seem to indicate a relatively unimpressive art direction that borrows unhealthily from WHFB and other…