
I knew that McMillen didn't take religion very seriously and didn't read the philosophy that The Binding of Isaac might conjure... but, hot damn, this is just like a confirmation that some people have no idea what they're reckoning with when they pick themes or motifs to work off of.

I'mma check that one and maybe some other sites out. This new commenting system is so incredibly unwieldy that I've just about had enough of Kotaku. Kinda a shame at the end of the day...

We shouldn't have to justify anything to anyone.

"Instead, it just dumped in all these new elements at the last moment and what you call poetry was unclear to most people I talked to."

To be totally fair to Bioware, bad writing is bad writing, and there's not a whole lot anyone can do about it at this point.

... So, basically, I can live inside an 80s music video is what you're saying.

"(Dang, you guys are blowing my "Everyone Wants to be a Vampire" theory right out of the water, aren't you? Maybe vampires really have gone out of style...)"

We've still got plenty of oil Stateside, plus we could always get it elsewhere if the Middle-East didn't want to play ball. (We're building better relationships with Uganda right now for that very reason.) The U.S. needs the Middle-East for cheap oil, though, because politicians won't win elections if the price of oil

*Obligatory Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness-related joke.*

"I think they deserve at least some credit for being willing to even put forth the effort"

"Societal opinions DO evolve fairly rapidly - just compare the public opinion of homosexuality 30 years ago to the public opinion of it now."

I get the argument, but it's just not really a fair assessment of the issue. When you boil down the body of criticism present across all media, there's a lot of discussion regarding sexuality. In particular, there's a lot of discussion regarding homosexuality in particular when you talk about sexuality.

"However, one could argue that the fact that homophobia has become a non-issue in this future might actually count as a stance itself."

"The fact that it's treated just like the other romances is pretty big."

Which oddly were missing in both ME1 and ME2. Still can't quite figure out why that was the case.

"Yang called BioWare "a really great vanguard" for LGBT issues, perhaps a play on the Mass Effect class Vanguard."

"In truth, I find the Illiad the more interesting of the two, but they both follow the same formula (despite the different narrative arcs) of events, musings of gods and people, events, musings, events, etc. It grows pretty tedious pretty quick."

"Read the Illiad OR the Odyssey. They're pretty much the same. If you like them, great, if not, don't worry."

Just read The Gas Heart, The Mysteries of Love, and Jet of Blood. And maybe Endgame and something or other by Joyce. Everything else is good, but is it that good?

Ultraviolence is a place to start, but not for the reason of just decrying mutilation and extreme gore. Really, it's just as ethically dubious to rip your opponent's head off of their body as to burn a goomba alive with a fireball. I'm not saying we should entirely abandon combat and violence as a conflict solution,