
A few minutes earlier:

I’d say Ben Hutton doesn’t qualify for the title of “surprising attacker” in this video nearly as much as Brooks Orpik on a breakaway

Honestly I bet Luke Walton will be pretty sympathetic to Lonzo. After all, he’s used to having to answer to things his dad says in the middle of a long trip.

Kinda think he should take the current crop’s avoidance of moving pick calls and call that a win

Joke’s on Team Dead People, which has just been beaten out by the Browns for the #1 pick

Just a teaser for the upcoming Netflix series “Bojan Horseshit”

“Not even a little bit.” - God

“No reason you can’t get to the rim rightin the middle of a whole bunch of cars!” - NFL tailgaters

“sad sack moose men” is an extremely wonderful phrase that I will try to work into conversation at my next (/first) cocktail party

is it not grounds for a counter-suit to claim that one bought NFL season tickets for “intellectual enjoyment”?

It’s pretty special to take over a team from Jeffrey Loria and immediately say, “Whoa! This moneybags’ free-spending was out of control!”

Jeter is probably pretty confused that the best player on the team is unwilling to move just because he wants him to.

“I hate Jameis so much he should be made an honorary member of Congress.”

Wait who are these TV-watching Mennonite pastors?

Colts twitter needs to put some thought into how the statement “takes a page out of Marvin Harrison’s book” will look to a lot of readers

That was truly incredible to Widnes

This is exactly why I can’t decide who to root for in the finals. Every time I get excited about one team’s success, I start thinking that one of these smug, oversimplifying camps of people is gonna have new ammo.

“You’re in Cleveland now” being yelled with hostility at a black person with affiliations across the border... Seems like just a quick little preview of later this summer

Why did MLB even need a new slide rule? Calculators are pretty cheap these days.