The Grim Squeaker

Yep. tester wage = mcdees empl wage. First to blame, last to pay. It is the greatest of all honors to work on a AAA game these days /s

On a technical level, it’s easy. On an economic level, also easy. On a political level? Very hard.

This was seriously the best keyboard. I really miss my G1

That depends on what’s in his pipe.

This is stupid. The power button works just fine.

The reason Otto’s Irresistible Dance is 8th Level is because it doesn’t allow either a saving throw or magic resistance. No matter how powerful your opponent is (Draco-Lich, Demi-God, Squirrel Girl) you take them off the board for 2-5 rounds- rounds where they can’t hurt you, heal their minions, or teleport away.

Now if we can just get the teenage boys to turn off their mics our victory will be complete!
but seriously boy girl lizard whatever I dont want to hear any of you. I dont know about the rest of the people here but I use my mic when I have to and I despise every second I spend listening to others speak, video game chat

Funny, sounds like teenage girls play games the way I do.

I am going to go with the classic Flying Guillotine

I’m amazed by how many more people would miss the tv vs their computer.

OK, confession time. I like it. I don’t think it’s whisky, but I remeber drinjking it in a pub at thinking that it tasted like what Christams should be.

Probably means Zeus and Iris are getting it on.

Yeah. I can’t even decide which I’d rather have: genderbent Strange, or genderbent Swinton.

Cumberbatch couldn’t be at the event, but sent a video message where he promised “Girls, cars, explosions and a bit of astral projection into multiple dimensions. The usual fare.”

You had me at Tilda Swinton.

Now if they could only catch Rachel from Cardmember Services who keeps calling promising low rates in exchange for your most personal financial information I’d be a happy man!