The Grim Squeaker

Every time I hear about “present exactly the same person/work but trick the decision-maker into believing the person is male (/white/able-bodied/straight)” experiments I want to scream and shove it in everyone’s faces. People spend so much time and energy saying “women (/PoC/etc) just don’t try as hard / don’t care as

But have you seen C-Beams glistening in the dark at the Tannhäuser gate yet?

No it’s not. That’s the Tomislav. The beloved minigun is the stock one AKA Sasha. C’mon Kotaku. Learn your shit

Le sigh. This is (one of) the bad part of living in Southern Florida. If you want to go on a road trip outside the state, you have to put up with 6 hours of extreme boredom sprinkled with bits of sheer terror from the non-driving assholes behind the wheel here.

Same. Having a point of understanding—that I’m basically introverted, and that isn’t a bad thing—has been really helpful for me in terms of self-care and acceptance. But I think the online thinkpiece/quiz world has really soured people to hearing about it. I mean, whatever! I doesn’t mean I’m suddenly a different

AND she's adopted. So that's funny too.

Get A Cat

So each time I cut someone in half with one I’d have to thoroughly clean it?
Ninjas be like “dude, do you have any cillot bang and a lint free cloth?”

Kamala Khan in everything forever! I am good with that. She is kind of this generation’s Spiderman in many ways.


Somebody please turn this into a nope gif.


Every time I think of a product being made completely based off of customer input, I think of this Simpsons episode.

It could have traveled back in time, but 88 MPH in that parking lot? No way!

Suffice to say we’re taking the ballot stuffing business into consideration for the final results.

What you see:

Gaaa! I can’t imagine anyone more insufferable than an Apple Car owner.

What’s amazing is they then like to bring in the ‘we have a right to say what we want!’ argument.