The Grim Squeaker

It’s not OP, because it’s Legendary. That’s a drawback. You can never have more than one Exgo the Rickers in play, which means you can only ever Horshers once per creature that shares a color to your mana pool for each artifact. Obviously.

I have to confess that as a non-card-warfare-game player, these are pretty much what a lot of Magic cards sound like to me.

Except for that whole “Theta Protocol” thing that enabled Fury to show up with a fully functional S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier at the end of Age of Ultron.

Anytime WW2 and radar get mentioned I’m reminded of the ‘eat more carrots to see incoming enemy aircraft at night’ misinformation drive. The British didn’t want the Germans to know that they had developed a system to detect enemy planes, so they took out ads in the media telling people to eat carrots so the Germans

Before radar, enemy aircraft would just show up with virtually no warning. In WW-I German airships and Gotha biplane bombers attacked London in dozens of raids. Desperate for more advanced warning, designers came up with all manner of listening aids to help operators hear the sound of approaching engines.

Ah, yes. That sweet, sweet climate change money. It just totally dwarfs the poor little oil and coal companies. A massive, worldwide conspiracy of silence among all the scientists of the earth, all for the sake of those grants.

scrape is part of a civilization* that has been around for several million years, and thus has records of the last years it was this warm on planet Earth

He’s right about one thing: people are eating too much f*$%ing kale. Lately it’s been turning up in Caesar salads. Sorry, but go f$%^ yourselves kale people. It does not under any circumstances belong in a Caesar salad. Some kale is ok. I like kale in fact. But, America tends to overdo everything. And we are def

No it’s not. That’s the Tomislav. The beloved minigun is the stock one AKA Sasha. C’mon Kotaku. Learn your shit

Still one of the best moments in Saga or any comic, really.

“ until now, we’d only ever seen it as a faint pixel of light”

Well, we know now approximately 15x more than we did before.


What’s *really* under the hood.

I want one thing. Just ONE FUCKING THING!!!!! Allow me to select “show unique posts only”. No “hey, your batshitcrazy rightwing sister liked this batshitcrazy rightwing post”, no shares, no replies, no chain pictures, no news reports, NOTHING.

Just imagine trying to evacuate this shit show.

I just want every post from every friend to show up chronologically...that’s it...just do that for me...make it an option...I will unsubscribe from the 80% of my “friends” I don’t care about and just let me scroll myself...I am so weary of fighting over the “top stories” to “most recent” and then finding out I am

I think the movie got the spirit of the books right, but the plotting/pacing just didn't feel right, it seems much better suited for TV