The Grim Squeaker

If I can’t control an FPS sitting at my desk, I can’t do it on the couch either with the same controller :)

Without an analog stick, the controller would have been useless to me. I use it for racing games, and a D-Pad is garbage for racing games.

For me, the Steam Controller is an upgrade from the $15 XBox 360 controller clone I had been using. Its extreme configurability and wireless nature are very nice. For the most part

I was in the stress test weekend, and was impressed by the game balance. I mean, it’s still a beta, but every character who seems ridiculously powerful in some situations has at least one counter, if not several. Characters who seemed really weak and/or awkward to me can be devastating when played well. Characters

As I see it, most GPs have to serve a whole bunch of patients, and there is only so much they can do in terms of analyzing data, keeping up to date on every chronic illness that all their patients have, and so on. They work full-time seeing people in their practice (10 minutes or less for each), going on hospital

I recall being very annoyed at Spotify’s free version because the ads were very frequent, twice as loud as the music I was listening to, and mostly consisting of terrible hip-hop you couldn’t pay me to listen to. And I seem to recall the Android app was very poorly behaved too.

On the other hand, walking in/near street traffic in some places causes you to breathe enough carbon monoxide that you might as well sit around smoking a pack of the nastiest brand of cigarettes you can find.

I am really not into JRPGs, nor platformers. When Sony managed to cancel my Playstation Plus subscription because my credit card number changed, without any attempt to contact me to update it, I decided not to fight it or renew. I put SFxTK and Wipeout on my Amazon wishlist with notes to only buy them cheap and used,

I grew up in Florida and went to Sea World many times.

As far as education, conservation, and inspiration goes it really can’t hold a candle to the Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga, or the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago.

The project should be called “Pave the Whales”

My cat is occasionally startled by his own tail, walls, and the inexorable passage of time. Should I remove these things from his environment too?

Heh, just Saturday morning I replaced the Insinkerator Badger in our sink with a new one of the same model.

I thought about removing it and just going with normal plumbing, but that was probably a more complicated operation.

And I’ve lived with a roommate who had a habit of throwing food scraps into the sink in a house

Heh, just Saturday morning I replaced the Insinkerator Badger in our sink with a new one of the same model.

I thought

The indignities our Star Wars figures had to go through. Somewhere about a thousand miles from me, a C3P0 probably still lies where my jerk neighbor buried him.

I had the Leia on Endor action figure, as well as a stormtrooper with speederbike. Leia hijacked it, of course.


While I’m not a science-denying shill for Big Oil like so many commenters here... this particular one is probably melting under the weight of its own name. Thanks a lot, Greenland.

When Michael Brown was killed, a TV crew interviewed a possible witness and revealed his Twitter handle of “EyeFloodPanties.” Way to be remembered by history!

I’m so glad Steam allows name changes.

Unfortunately, my cat is perfectly happy to wake me at any time at random. He’s very affectionate, but also (A) likes to play at any hour, (B) never learned / is unable to retract his claws, and (C) likes to push through the vertical blinds right behind the bed to check out the window, which usually means either

I bet the perfume doesn’t ruin plastic and elastic like DEET does. I’ve come back from hiking weekends with melted socks.

When I was a kid, my parents told me I could only have so much fire time every day. I think they were just jealous that I was better at making fire than they were.

You kids and your having internet before college.

I don’t think when people say “nuclear waste”, they are referring to the harmless stuff.

More like, this lovely illegal waste dump from the 70s that is about a thousand feet from an underground landfill fire 5 miles from my house. *That* is what gets people worried.

Well, the “You are a shithead for writing code like this. Nobody ever do this again.” part is pretty universal in programming rants. The actual reason varies widely, and it could be about using tabs instead of spaces, or putting your curly braces on the wrong line or naming variables “i” or something fairly trivial

I wonder if they could have minimized the deformation of the shapes in 2D, by playing with the third dimension — like the undercutting that’s done to the bottoms of marimba and vibraphone bars to tune their overtones to be harmonic instead of clangy and nasty. Though that probably introduces six billion more variables