The Grim Squeaker

Actually no, I don’t like salmon. Or rainbow trout. Or tuna.

Haddock tho.

The terrorists have won. :/

Once when walking to the store from work on my lunch break, I saw a street sweeper blowing leaves from the street into peoples’ lawns and driveways.

On my walk back a few minutes later, a uniformed squad of lawn maintenance guys with leafblowers was blowing them right back into the street.

I did the same. I wound up nuking most of my old characters and starting over from level 1, and things made a bit more sense.

That resolution is more than my 29” ultrawide display. It seems like overkill.

Wireless charging is really nice to have in the car, and I prefer the size of my current Nexus 5.

As a former game developer, this is all spot on.

I won’t go into details, other than to mutter something about “19-hour shifts” and “vacation canelled while I was on it” and “half the salary I could have had outside the game industry” and “literal screaming matches.”

About 2.5 years ago I switched industries and found

That red droid would look at home with Atlas and P-Body.

“When said we wanted a ‘green’ building, this isn’t what we meant.”

Just bought a 14” Lucid mattress (part memory foam, part high-density support foam) from Amazon a couple of weeks ago and the whole experience was pretty great. Including the reduction in back pain!

And it’s fogelmatrix with the Dad Answer.

It’s 2015, why are there still LCARS skins for every damned thing?

sort of a reward for making several billions of dollars

I kind of like black coffee. If it’s iced, I prefer it black. If hot, it’s a sometimes thing. But I also like heavily doctored coffee.

And I like some beers but find others pretty foul. Guinness, Blue Moon, 1554, Fat Tire, Sapporo? Sure. Newcastle Brown Ale, Red Stripe, Bud, PBR? Nope.

Radishes and celery? Ugh.

Why not a not-clicky mechanical keyboard? Cherry MX Browns have a tactile bump but no click, and feel great.

“a driver bumped into an automated Google car after the driverless car came to a stop while “creeping forward” on a right turn”

There’s an intersection near my old workplace where people did this to me twice in three weeks. The second was more of a slam than a bump, because obviously my brake lights turning off meant

You’d love Australian slang, where even the toughest Hell’s Angel is referred to as a “bikie”

I suppose it’s still too much to expect an “Onion in the streets, Sugilite in the sheets” t-shirt...