The Grim Squeaker

I have a Qi charging phone holder in my car. It’s wonderful to be able to just put the phone on it and not have to plug it in.

I have one for my desk at work too, but found myself just plugging it in anyway because a cable charges faster and more efficiently. With a Qi charger there’s waste heat.

I’m a pro-case type.

Vox Day is such a sad sack little shit.

“Still getting the hang of this thing.” — Alyx Vance

Can You Keep A Secret?

Isn’t that nice.

Same here. I used to get so frustrated with self-help / meditation type stuff where you’re supposed to visualize something. I have an active imagination, but in a normal mental state (such as what I’m in when I am trying to picture something and get into a more relaxed or weird state) I just can’t see images without

I’m an introvert. I’m also shy, socially anxious in fact. I am uncomfortable with small talk and even random greetings from people I don’t know. But I try to be polite — in terms of not being selfish and aggressive and dominant — in social settings and driving and even walking. I tend to be quiet, unless I’m really

I got a rock.

You’re lucky with the delays then. Flying Delta from St. Louis to Bangor with two stops, we were delayed three times for a total of ten hours. In every case, it was technical problems with the aircraft. (One of the planes had a dead APU, and the pilot refused to fly it because a metal tube with no air conditioning in

I like Spidey as a character, but honestly I don’t see him as a connector.

I really wonder what the public knows and thinks about SHIELD post-Sokovia. Between Winter Soldier and Ultron, SHIELD was considered a rogue organization, everybody thought Coulson was dead (except Fury and Hill, who kept his resurrection secret

These are pretty great earbuds. I have a pair at work and ordered a second from iTechDeals through Woot two weeks ago. It took them 7 days to even have any shipping info, and another 6 days for it to be tracked at their local DHL facility. No idea when it’ll actually arrive. I’ve been so spoiled by Amazon Prime...

These are pretty great earbuds. I have a pair at work and ordered a second from iTechDeals through Woot two weeks

This map brings back memories. The game studio I used to work for did the occasional LAN game. I think we played the original version of this map approximately one time, and I haven’t played CS in any form since.

We got a lot more mileage out of HL1 deathmatch, StarCraft, Diablo 2, Rogue Spear, and TF2.

This is reminding me to replace the downstairs bathroom fan. It makes a horrible grinding noise and doesn’t move air. I’m pretty much stuck with the existing ductwork though I assume, since it’s between floors.

Band name!

and those stupid ear gauges too.

The quadcopters I have require considerable practice and skill. They don’t hold themselves stationary at all, just sort-of-level-ish.

2016 Pinewood Derby rules addendum: no railguns.

Surfin’ the net on the Information Superhighway!