
Because y’all were sad, we don’t get Midweek Madness this week?

How do you go from Mason and Penelope to Reign? I’m not saying sibling names need to match exactly but that’s a pretty big jump.

They also say some really funny shit. I think generally people see them as not having senses of humor, but they really do! The other day I caught a bit of an episode where Kim, Khloe and Kris were all out to lunch and Khloe was going on and on about how hot Kim is because she has big boobs and she’s saying all this

I really want to believe Chyna’s this petty and hilarious.

Prepare, little Dream, to be exploited.

It’s weirdly soothing to have in the background while you dick around on your phone. The color palates are always neutral and none of them raise their voices above a mumble because they don’t want to mess up their botox.

I’m still mad that Knorth didn’t happen.

It could be like that ‘A Dream of a Thousand Cats’ issue of Sandman where dreaming a change to the world makes it happen...

Dream Renee Kardashian.

Sounds like a command. “Dream, Renee Kardashian. Dream of a better world. Dream of a world where Trump isn’t the president of the U.S.. Dream of a world where David Bowie is still alive. Dream of a world where Brexit didn’t happen. Dream of a world without sexism, racism, homophobia, poverty, inequality, illness and

Don’t forget Reign

“Dream”, “Saint”, “Treasure” and “Rob”

“And later, loving and protective mothers Kris and Tokyo Toni reconnect with each other for the first time in five years at King Cairo’s lavish 4th birthday celebration.”

Da fuq I just read?

Dream Renee Kardashian

I’d never paid any attention to them until watching endless episodes of the Kardashians got me through my second miscarriage. Genuinely, I could just zone out and not have to think, and I was profoundly grateful for that. Here’s to Dream, and may she be a bit of cheerfulness for the world at this horrible time.

Dream Renee Kardashian


Came here for this. Now let’s go see the penguin.

Do you recognise either of these men, Ms Swift?