You’ve marched right on to the bargaining stage, then? I’m still grappling with denial.
You’ve marched right on to the bargaining stage, then? I’m still grappling with denial.
Look at every president that our nation has had. They have aged rapidly once they’ve hit the White House. Why? Because it is stressful. Even with all the help. There is only so much aides can do. The rest will be on his shoulders.
You’ve marched right on to the bargaining stage, then? I’m still grappling with denial.
+ 1 Heart Failure
I give him three months before he goes, “Fuck this. I am outta here.” This is a man who has been handed everything to him on a silver platter his entire life. He didn’t have to roll up his sleeves and work his knuckles to the bone for anything. And now he is going to take what is arguably the most stressful and…
My dad just posted on my fb wall, cheer up, have a good day at work (I live in England so it’s morning for me), life will go on <3
Fuckity fuck fuck fuck. I thought Brexit was Bad.....but turns it out it was just the warm up act. I look forward to seeing George A Romero’s vision coming true. The Zombie Apocolypse can’t come quickly enough.
To CNN for hiring those fucktit douchebag racist fuckfaces to defend Trump:
To the 55M who thought Trump was a good idea...
Nothing like civil war.
Support thread for anyone who is FUCK YOU EVERYONE fuck you FUCK you fuckity fuckity fucckkkkkkkk shit ass tits shit ass dick fuck FUCK...right now.
The United States has elected Donald Trump, a 70-year-old tangerine Superfund site and a menace to the peace,…
I’m glad I followed the Facebook link to see the pictures of what it looks like now. Made me cackle!
but the changes to the smaller one — which is sold mainly in Britain at the discount retailer Poundland
Also, I cannot comprehend the confound that is the Patron Saint of Swamp Donkeys, Tamra Barney. She’s such a damn hypocrite. She keeps screeching to people to stop talking shit yet she is the reigning shit talker. Furthermore, her newly claimed Christianity is so odd. Her fembot trainer who is in love with her makes…
Vickie is a horrible person and I hate her. But she is the standard of what it means to be a Housewife across all the shows.
The state of New York has been blue in the last seven presidential elections and 2016 will (more than likely) go the…
She’s just a poll worker following and enforcing the rules, which are set by the state legislature and secretary of state or elections commissioner. Had she let even one person in after the deadline and some jerk like you decided to make a stink, she would have risked being hauled into court and questioned by the…
Apparently the argument was a little weirder than you might think.
Thankfully the judge told Trump to go pound rocks and she did it in glorious fashion. Trump’s counsel also wanted the names of all the Nevada poll workers to be publicly released and the judge had an epic smackdown to that request too.