
Do you really want to be stuck in line with Trump behind you sniffing, grunting and complaining for hours?

It continues to amaze me that a woman from an upper middle-class background is perceived as more privileged and more wealthy than a man from a billionaire-class background. Even today their net worth isn’t even comparable.

“When Trump says he wants to ban Muslims, he doesn’t really mean that. That’s never going to happen. What he really means is he wants extreme vetting.”

Lines, just like taxes, are for losers and plebeians.

They let Hillary cut in line, too. Just FYI.

Donald Trump cut a two-hour line to cast his vote at PS 59 in Midtown Manhattan on Tuesday. “How come he gets to cut?” one voter asked. “He’s busy,” another answered.

The longer he stands there the more likely it is that his presence becomes disruptive to lots of other people getting to vote. Larger crowds, the bystander effect (e.g. people are paying more attention to him and not going about their own voting as rapidly as they should) and all that jazz. Getting him in and out of

That’s the whole genius of Trump’s campaign: it’s just a massive MadLibs for angry while folk.

“You see when he says he’s going to ‘Make America Great Again’, he means that he’s going to (verb) the (noun) so that the (noun) is (adjective)! He really understands me!”

“Why won’t anyone respect my right to be a racist?”

I bet Kellyanne has her carry-on packed and in a corner with a ticket to Bali burning a hole in her pocket.

Kellyanne told him he could have the password to his Twitter account back as soon as he voted.

Donald sucks and is an entitled little man-baby. All that said, I would think that the secret service would not be happy about him standing in line in a public place for a prolonged period of time. This doesn’t seem all that unreasonable to me.

“Different viewpoints need to be respected,” he continued, before explaining that the Republican presidential candidate’s positions have been misinterpreted. “When Trump says he wants to ban Muslims, he doesn’t really mean that. That’s never going to happen. What he really means is he wants extreme vetting.”

No, seriously, why does he get to cut the line? Is there any precedent for this? It seems illegal and is definitely unfair.

“Different viewpoints need to be respected,” he continued, before explaining that the Republican presidential candidate’s positions have been misinterpreted. “When Trump says he wants to ban Muslims, he doesn’t really mean that.

Just Kidding! I’m also a slender person who eats (as one of my friends puts it) “like my teenage son”. I’m a pig, but it doesn’t show.

jfc congrats on your fabulous genes.

Um, no. Carrie always ordered salads when out with the ladies, or even less. She always alluded to staying active - “While walking off my steak dinner with Big...” she walked frequently. When seeing her eat pizza with Miranda, for example, she would eat one piece and then go home. Miranda was seen eating an entire