
For the second year in a row, the Rangers eliminate themselves from the post-season due to bed shitting.

I literally just read every comment under this story (including grays), and there isn’t a single one that says or implies anything negative about the way Chew has led his life.

Wayne Gretzky is the Christine Sinclair of hockey.

He’s proven to be mediocre if not disastrous in his own end. That’s problematic for the position he plays. At least with Karlsson, he’s so outrageously good offensively, you can overlook his shortcomings.

Friday quota post?

I took your word for it. I watched the video. It cost me nothing. I still want my money back.

If there’s anything Simmons is capable of, it’s trying the same thing over and over again until he gets the response he’s looking for.

Why Your Team Sucks 2015: Apple

The last thing running through his head was probably a concrete floor.

A frog and Scorpion Jose Mourinho were on the wrong bank of the Thames. Scorpion Mourinho asked the frog to take him across the river. The frog said no, saying that Scorpion Mourinho would sting him and kill him. No, I will not, said Scorpion Mourhino. I promise. The frog relented, and Scorpion Mourinho climbed on his

They’re really poutine on a show up there.

Classic relevant video game post to be shared on Kotaku

Which part of “NO PEPPER” did he not understand?

How in the hell did Jason Whitlock attain his current position in life? He’s not particularly smart, doesn’t pander to any one group, has zero charisma, and seems to be an awful person to deal with. I get why he’s around now but before he was a giant blob of clickbait I have to imagine he was just an asshole that

He looks frustrated but it's not like he blew a Gasquet or anything.

Enough has been done before the war. Time to be in the middle of it or to see John actually get to the time travel device to send his father back and that’s it. Or even just go beyond that point but in the future which presumably is hopeless because sending Kyle back only affects a separate timeline.

Enough with the

I implied that it’s a bucket of warm shit.


Ten bucks the Sixers draft an actual tank this year

'When something can be read with very little effort, much effort has gone into the writing of it.' Good writers can write long and well, and short and well—-but this was long and awful.