
Do today’s DJs even know how to even use turntables to match beats? #oldman

The Sora’s look like crap in person. Get the Classic instead, or the Kanso for a more rustic look.

The Sora’s look like crap in person. Get the Classic instead, or the Kanso for a more rustic look.

Is that Lisa Ann?

Is that Lisa Ann?

Did he cut his nose shaving?

Verne Troyer looking good these days!

Not surprising, as he’s been wrong, he’s been down, been to the bottom of every bottle.

Everytime I see Rovell I see this.


That's four outs in Canada.

6 weeks? Grade 3’s are fucking pussies.

That was on FIFA, not Canada.


Surely you jest; that guy is horrible.

Not helping the perception that kickers are pussies.

Don't Toews me Yeo!