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@KiwiLord: But you just answered my question, which means you cared enough to read and comprehend and reply, unless it's just a coincidence.

And it's invisible!

@KiwiLord: When did I say I thought you were being sarcastic?

@KiwiLord: Some people just aren't cognizant of sarcasm. Maybe you'll learn, maybe not.

@KiwiLord: It just seemed to me that my reply was obviously sarcastic. Maybe your sensor is broken.

@KhanhD: What airline do you use? I fly a lot and most have carry-on-luggage weight limits of 40-pounds or less.

You're mad, huh? Taking this "Internet" thing a little too seriously? It's okay. Everyone's a beginner at some time.

@Richard Ryan Grove: You read that incorrectly. The vault was closed for four hours. The locksmith didn't work on it for four hours.

@KiwiLord: Nah, I know you meant what I said.

I don't know the answer, but what "pro" is going to choose the 13-inch Pro over the 15-inch Pro, anyway?

@timothymcn: Your "conjecture" is more like blathering ignorance.

@maythetechbewithyou: If I recall, Apple released the unibody Macbook in October, then there was a minor update to the white Macbook in May of 2009.

She didn't even have the luxury of being with her dog.

@KiwiLord: I think you meant to say "What kind of shitty mother was that?"