
Oh, "psy-ops," not "psi-ops"—still, this game was awesome.

@SkeletorDan: If Daft Punk were the Titanic, they'd be Aft Sunk.

@beefextreem: If Daft Punk were fat, they'd be Heft Punk.

@monkunashi: If Daft Punk were against fur trading, they'd be CAFT Punk.

@ziplizard: If Daft Punk were a position to be filled, they'd be Staffed Punk.

@SkeletorDan: If Daft Punk made blueprints, they'd be Draught Punk.

@soldstatic: If Daft Punk were the base of a crazy tree, they'd be Daft Trunk.

@Shamoononon: If Daft Punk lived in a sock, they'd be Daft Spunk.

@SkeletorDan: If Daft Punk were a surgical procedure, they'd be Graft Punk.

@Philip Senechal: If Daft Punk were bad students, they'd be Daft Flunk.

@FemShepard: If Daft Punk made food, they'd be Kraft Punk.

@Shamoononon: If Daft Punk were an alcoholic, they'd be Daft Drunk.

@FemShepard: If Daft Punk were a US President, they'd be Taft Punk.

@rilasis: If Daft Punk were in the Resident Evil video game series, they'd be Daft HUNK.

@KirkLuvsGreenChix: If Daft Punk were a black and white animal best known for its ability to secrete a liquid with a strong, foul odor, they'd be Daft Skunk.

Brew a beer, or, at least, endorse one, and call it Draft Punk.

He should do a documentary titled "Gawkerized."

Panguso search: "Who's the greatest country in the world?"