
If Daft Punk were models, they'd be Photographed Punk.

If Daft Punk were in its incipient stages, it'd be Draft Punk.

You're wrong. From now on, all allusions, references, metaphors, similes, analogies, metonymies, tropes, allegories, and synecdoches must include Osama bin Laden.

4. Cocaine

I never said you offended me. You can't.

Oh, the horror!

@Thats Mr AssClown to you: Calling people "Jingoistic Dickheads [sic]" is definitely the right way to promote intelligent conversation on the Internet.

@Thats Mr AssClown to you: So given the chance to kill bin Laden, you wouldn't do it? I find that hard to believe.

I do believe we'll have a smashing, good time.

@4n7h0ny: Obviously yours is broken. That, or you don't understand sarcasm at all.

@4n7h0ny: That means you're performing Pete's sake, and that makes no sense.

Kat, I must admit, this is a weak post, really weak, but more annoying than that are the sanctimoniousness and the vitriol of the commenters.

@HxDiS: His opinion is justified only to himself. It doesn't represent the quality of the millions of computers Apple sells.