
@Alexander Cardosa: But obviously the person to whom I was replying can't stay at the hotel hence his statement "find the money to afford."

@YummyCyanide: Just buying an iPad might be a better deal.


Cocktail Blueprints: For the Architectural Drinker in Us All.

I was hoping for some derobestation.

"I hit the phone, but it's still working, Sergeant. What's going on!?"

@weedalin: What's "this because I say so": the fact that I'm not a fanboy and you're wrong? No, you're right. You must be.

@weedalin: Testy? How so? I think you're misreading tone. I already told you, getting upset at you guys would be like getting mad at a retard.

@weedalin: Oh, please, the whole thread is about my owning the iPhone and your subsequent diatribes about me for owning an iPhone.

@38thsignal: I'm not being aggressive. I know it's not easy to read tone. It's not aggression. It's drollness. Also, I understand your point, but my reading of his post was "Oh, there's a potential cure for one, but why not for two since it's more prevalent."

@38thsignal: Yeah, let's first get a cure for the one that sucks more. That just makes most sense.

@xd.Balls: Do you know nothing about the disease? Type 1 diabetes is far worse even though Type 2 is more common.

@Grimfella: It would seem someone, i.e., you, doesn't know the definition of "myth."

@whizkid51594: That would be more acceptable, but "handsfree" is one word.

@N1ro: I'm not offended. That would be like getting mad at a retard. I just like to edify the ignorant, but, alas, as your ignorance is so deep, you'll never learn.

@N1ro: It's always easy to go to the "I have [whatever] product" excuse, isn't it?

@N1ro: I'm not defending the iPhone. I'm defending myself against the accosts of Apple haters, you, for example.

@Seb640: I own an iPhone, of course I'm biased. That's not the issue here, and don't try to pretend it is.