
@Lord_Conflict: Since you don't know how to use hyphens, I'll assume you're just a moron.

@N1ro: Your point of ignorance? I suppose you've never owned or liked anything.

@AngryBeaver: Who has been defensive or aggressive?

@weedalin: I guess it's a good thing I didn't use that logical fallacy, huh?

@N1ro: You're so right. I'm a fanboy because I like something for its design, features, and functionality.

@Seb640: You're a fanboy because you like the iPhone and want the other?

@Grimfella: I guess since I'm a well-adjusted iPhone owner, I'm a myth and, therefore, legendary.

@Lord_Conflict: I'm sorry, it seems you misunderstood. By well-adjusted, I meant, "well-adjusted."

Wait, where's my type: the well-adjusted iPhone owner?

@Charliehorse: No, you're right. It is the same. That's why skin doesn't have color. It just looks the way it does because of melanin and light.

@chaboud: It's a blog. If you don't like it, don't read it. Or, and this makes more sense, don't get oh so offended because someone on the Internet doesn't agree with you. Your and MazdaMania's knee-jerk defense of Google is just as annoying.

@MazdaMania: The sky doesn't really have a color. It just appears blue because of the way the gas molecules in the air reflect light. Why?

"Holy fuck that startup screen looks like shit. It makes me want to vomit a bucket of my own honeyed guts. What a clusterfuck of pulsating honeycombs, lack of bees, wasted honeycomb real estate and just ugly psychedelic elements."

@Kirkaiya: Those Maryland horse cops, though, they're "dungerous."

@Kirkaiya: It sounds as though you're saying camel-riding Egyptians aren't the most dangerous things known to man. If you are, in fact, saying camel-riding Egyptians aren't the most dangerous things known to man, you'd be very wrong.