
That's going to be great for riot control once people decide to do something about the government.

@djlaser: Nah, that's definitely the damn-I'm-a-badass face.

Just let me use my phone.

It will steal your soul.

A human right by whose standards? Rights are too relative.

Oh, dear, Hollywood is champing at the bit.

@linkgx1: *Traces linkgx1's IP address*

@TheCrudMan: New episode? It's a new season tonight. Don't understate the awesomeness.

A $1,000 reward? I can get $10,000 on the black mark—I mean, someone could probably get $10,000 on the black market, probably.

For some reason, I look at that house and think "Windows Phone 7 UI."

@Master_Soda: It means "Comic without serifs," and you incorrectly punctuated that.

@WillardFillmore: Haha, thanks. There should be a level beyond being a starred commenter, too.

It's a long way to the ground from the top of Mount Goolympus.

@Dabamasha: He did caution not to so literally implement the strategy.

"The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place."

Headline from the Future:

Does anyone else hear that ringing?

@fdisk: And Geico thinks it's impressive they can save you money within 15 minutes.