
@jms: Creating hysteria: There's an app for that.

@Canon7D-Fanboy: But what's the range? Can she ride in a helicopter and shoot at wolves?

Still, porn and spam make up the most of it.

$5 a day? Why, that's *counts fingers* that's ten fing—I mean, $10 for two days. Outlandish.

@Ian Logsdon: You know, I have a really good joke about brains, Jewish people, Nazis, and concentrating, but I'm just going to keep it to myself.

@showbiz2: Just distract them with sauerkraut.

On the East Coast, I'm safe from the zombies until this snow melts.

Offer an unlimited, shared data plan for the iPhone and iPad that is less money than $60: Problem solved.

I bet the price will put the speakers where I can only dream about them.

Happy birthday, television.

Bomberman's worst enemy.

It's an 8-bit black hole.

Isn't Zuckerberg just a big child anyway?

My telescope can see so far into the past, it's its own grandfather.

That sounds about right.

@pchagoya: Teramegagigabyte, fruit of my loins.

@WUSS: Really? Is that how it really is? Well, geez, thanks, Captain Obvious Buzzkillington.

Because "Intel" is his middle name.

That's easy to answer: I don't.