
1. Sugar

@battra92: You don't own New York. New York owns you.

Not that I have piercings, but my grandmother would just go yell at the wall about its piercings, tell it to grow up, cut its hair, and get a job.

So if one were to buy an Android or Windows Phone 7 phone and is not granfathered into an unlimited data plan, you can't get this plan because it's iPhone only?

Kevin Purdy just wanted to show us how popular he is. Haha.

Faster French onion dip and soup? Great tip, thanks.

@Hami83: Yes, and when you're obstinate and have an irrational disinclination for a company, you make illogical statements about said company.


@Wheema: And what other computers are you comparing it to?

@Hami83: It's a good thing the Air isn't a netbook.

@NorthernRoamer: So between better educating people and passing liberty-limiting laws, the government should pass liberty-limiting laws?

No one should outlaw the Happy Meal because it's parents' responsibilities to monitor what their children eat so they don't turn into fat asses.

@rick23: That's fortunate.

The good thing is, as his retinae burn, he wont' feel it.