
I have an even easier solution: Don't study. Still get "A"s and "B"s.

I'm almost certain that concept is longer than my conceptual pockets.

Holy Schmidt!

@giusticce: Yes, he also couldn't resurrect a not-dead Star Wars franchise.

George Lucas couldn't even resurrect an Indiana Jones franchise that wasn't dead. I'm afraid to see his attempt at resurrecting something that actually is dead. What kind of deformed monster will he come up with?

I did what now?

@dccorona: Not swipes, but pinch to zoom is a gesture that requires two fingers.

@TheJaz: Did someone hit that with a car?

@Nitesh: Did those animals exist twenty thousand years ago?

Those paints are like fossils: God put them there to test your faith.

Teeny boppers rejoice. Your favorite phone has been revived and now features a usable OS.

I want these multitouch features without the four-finger gesture.

@i ♥ Tofu: There are already two-finger gestures.

I shouldn't check Lifehacker first thing in the morning, but I do it anyway.

@Arken: That middle part is "Magic." The box makes itself.

@FleekGiggs: So did I. Here's a picture of the one I made.

@DannyBR: It's not as though the company can push back all its products until Honeycomb is ready.