
"Golem used Rock Throw!"

Don't forget, besides the mustache, you also need to be fat, yet perplexingly agile and in shape.

Apple products sell sans sales, which is why they're never significant.

@xyglyx: It's not my fault you're wrong.

@RoboticSpacePenguin: Yes, I didn't notice that before, thank you, and sorry for the confusion.

@RoboticSpacePenguin: From my experience with everyday people, that is to say, people I know who aren't techies and random people whom I've seen at stories, when I asked if they'd heard about Google TV, most said "No" and most of those who had heard of it didn't know what it was.

@jms: You can't just let this thing wither, can you? Every time I turn away and think this thing is dead, I find out it rose from the ashes again because another bud of rhetoric has sprouted.

@RoboticSpacePenguin: Honestly, I think most people, as in, people who don't visit tech sites, know what Google TV is.

@Chernobyl: At least you didn't take it home and have to deal with the awkwardness of wanting it to leave immediately afterward or that awkward morning after if you couldn't muster up the guts to tell it to go. And, by not taking it home, you don't have to pay for its cab ride.

I'm a student, and I think sending text messages and browsing the internet while the professor is lecturing is disrespectful.

@jms: Orange you glad this is over?

@GCWB: Now I'm weeping. Will, oh, will you please end this insanitree?

@jms: I have no palms about taking branches.

@Nitesh: This seems to be coming down to a photosynthefinish. But oakay, it's pretty obvious neither of us is going to win nor leave. It would seem birds of a feather comment together in 140 characters or fewer, of course.

@jms: You're RTTFLYAO (rooted to the floor, laughing your ash off).

@Nitesh: You're barking up the wrong tree. A dogwood jump at the opportunity to continue this punning, but we're just gumming up the works. I can't bare it any longer, like a weak branch that can't support the weight of a bear that's reaching for a beehive. We just need to agree to behave, to keep quiet, and stop

@Yuno: I intended to shrub off your comment, but my inability stems from my need to have the last word, to stand tallest in a forest of comments. Besides, tree puns are such a fruitful venture.