They already pay their taxes. You just decided it wasn’t enough and that you want them to pay some more.
They already pay their taxes. You just decided it wasn’t enough and that you want them to pay some more.
Absolutely, 100%.
Doesn’t everyone just hoard their old drives in a giant pile, like Smaug? Or is that just me?
i keep seeing this shit of “fucking white men!” and “fucking protest voters!”. what bullshit.
This has to stop.
Bingo. I am also an upper middle class white male who now lives in a very liberal area of my blue state. That said, I grew up in a very rural area of the country. My friends and family that I grew up with who are still in that area are fucking pissed off. The good jobs that once were in the area are no longer. They do…
Since when is a stock dually a lifted bro-dozer?
An accidental tank of regular once in a blue moon won’t cause damage, but consistent use definitely will.
What I want: