
Maybe I don’t want to implicate my friend through any names. However you wouldn’t know that I lived in Toledo for 5 years and my friend is an electrical engineer with the manufacturing operations at the plant. My friend along with others that work at the plant have all said the same thing. I also said supposedly, I’m

I have a buddy who works in this plant. Supposedly the ones filing the lawsuits are the ones causing all the problems. They have been caught staging nooses in the bathrooms before. It sounds like they are just trying to get a big settlement from GM so they can retire without working.

It’s that kind of thinking that got us into this mess. Ignoring the “flyover” areas proved to have disastrous consequences so how about we don’t do that again. How about we all work together to improve conditions for everyone, not just those the dems decide are poor, not just those that repubs decide are rich. Lets

Educated Republican voter here just putting in my two cents. (Someone will probably claim that is an oxymoron). Part of the problem in this election could be attributed to the abuse of the system seen in rural areas. I know across the nation unemployment is a major problem, but, in my area at least, employers have

Those of you that are saying that this is misleading are only reading the Bold print. Read all of the statements in the linked article it clearly states what is and is not included. This is a full estimate of how all of Bernie’s taxes affect a person, including estimated excise taxes that some people may not think