Under Ohio law, employees who appear nude or seminude are barred from touching—or being touched by—patrons of a sexually-oriented business unless they’re an immediate family member.
I think the big thing to establish is that she’s not obligated to reply, which I think we both probably agree on. When someone approaches a dev on Twitter, it’s not the same as approaching them at an official event or forums, and I think it’s fair to at least acknowledge that. It’s a different dynamic and while it’s…
But he is so used to Alta Vista!
The format privileges the successful and the extraordinary, popping them out of their context and any social movements or communities of activism or mutual aid that sustained their work. Telling stories for children also tends to file away rough edges, and there’s also the matter of who gets included, which is rarely…
A pack of playing cards is also handy on hikes. If you ever get lost in the woods, all you have to do is start playing solitaire, and within minutes someone will look over your shoulder and tell you that you can put that red nine on the black ten.
And On the forth day God made white men, and he told them “go forth and build these streets”, and so it was done.
“Our game will have you fighting Nazi zombies!”
“Oh, cool.”
“In our WWII game, there’s a female protagonist!”
It’s that time of year again, when the portable shitters fly back north for the summer.
Wow the shit really hit the fan there.
You were getting trolled. There is no one who both knows about Belgian mayonnaise AND does not know what fucking Thousand Island is.
They like the idea of cops and soldiers as an abstract concept or symbol representing authority, power, and control. They would happily kill any actual police officer or soldier who got in their way or tried to prevent them from committing crimes. People — even people they ostensibly claim to like — don’t matter to…
The real problem was the Council of Nicea, the group that, for political reasons, decided what writings did and did not go in the Bible. This practiced has been mimicked again and again throughout history as various kings and governments have snipped and edited their theological dogmas in an effort to control people.…
Jane Slusser is the Chief of Staff for Mayor Kenney.
“Since the NFL is a private industry...”
Fox News, duh.
Yeah, I don’t think anyone is contending whether or not what he said was accurate, biblically.
Apparently, I need to catch up on the latest sexual euphemisms.
You know, in ALL of the accidents I have worked, you know, as one of those police officers who fill out those forms, “speed” was listed in only one of the accidents as the cause. In my entire time with my department, I’ve only seen it in maybe a handful of accidents, maybe 3-4 a year, if that. In this case, speed was…