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This also shows how ridiculous the new Japanese Godzilla looks.

That’s right. Barefoot, naked, and cooking bacon! That’s my place.

It’s not delaying adulthood, it’s redefining adulthood. As in, why should people have to stop having fun with things they enjoy, just because we all grew up, got a job, etc.?

He would never. Ook.

Nope! Not even if it was the Librarian.

Yeah, I hate that the legitimate concerns get mixed up in hysteria over scary-sounding claims about substances.

Now playing

Relying on the service crew to fix it with proper tools? Pah!

The camera is rolling from 0:24 onward. The cameraman pans to the woman from around 0:50. I’m not sure how I’m rewriting things. The cameraman didn’t shut off the camera, he kept rolling. In my experience, merely rolling can cause people to get antsy. Even non-assholes. I’m not saying she’s not an asshole. I’m saying

And yet, I’d prefer to see the “candid” shot of the same cosplayer taken by a cell phone camera at a con to these pics any day of the week. As soon as manufactured sets and Photoshop (for anything past color correction and the like) get involved, I lose interest.

When reached by Kotaku, the Ford dealership said they didn’t know what we were talking about.

Judging by most CoD fans - “Boooo, hiss! I hate this new CoD game! It’s terrible and will suck!” the fan said, while waiting in line at GameStop for the midnight release of the new Call of Duty game.

Jim Sterling’s video he did on this recently sums up my thoughts on the matter well-enough, and I highly recommend checking it out. Even if you don’t agree with his whole point I think it’s a perspective worth considering.

One thing I will say though is that it’s hard to see Overwatch’s Loot Box opening animation and

Unless you live in a right to die state/country, people in an unfixable physical condition like complete quadriplegia need to resort to lovely measures like starving themselves to death if they want to exercise their human right to end their own lives. And that can take weeks, even well over a month. We’ve all been

SO EXCITED! Fuck you, haters... and a special Fuck You to Cinemassacre for taking such a BRAVE stance for nerddom by not only refusing to see and review it, but encouraging us to do the same.

This is fucking stupid internet drama. That there is even drama over the fact that they won’t fly someone out to cosplay for their show is fucking stupid. WTF? Is this a thing now? Hiring remote cosplayers? Dafaq?

The joke is supposed to be at the expense of action movies where the heroes are on a quest to save the damsel in distress. This movie is making fun of that by putting a cat in the damsel role and turning the hyper-masculine heroes into cat daddies.

Even if I think the Gamecube is the best looking, I got to mention playstation 1. When Sony released their first consol it feelt like every compeditor tried to design a consol that appeals to children. And since it was such a success it feelt like it influenced a lot of other consols after it.