They believe they would get raptured way before that. No rapture, no apocalypse.
They believe they would get raptured way before that. No rapture, no apocalypse.
“when the studio’s CEO, Randy Pitchford” You could have ended the article there. Everything is self-explanatory.
I’m afraid that fear & confirmation-bias to the “conservative” mind is far more profitable than making them hate-watch something.
The first Charlie’s Angels film in 2000, felt to me already as “Who are you making this for”. The original tv series ended in 1981 and it was barely part of pop-culture in my experience.
This reboot is even weirder. It’s now close to 40 years ago, when it originally aired on tv.
They’ve tried similar things with The…
I had to point out to a friend, that went on stand regarding "millennials", that she is a Millennial herself. It is kind of ridiculous how "Millennial" is used for "someone youngish who I don't like"
Smalltown USA, the spaceship.
So we will get:
- Season 1 is about Clark Kent being emotionally confused about having to hide his identity. Not much overal arc development.
- Second season is where Clark Kent struggles about telling Lois about his Superman identity. It will cause an argument, between the two. At the end of the season Kent tells her…
Did you know the British invaded and colonized the USA? Presidents were so weak back then, just letting Uropans in like that. Trump would never let this happen.
If it only stayed at “companies are happy to take the money, given”. The sinister part is, that publishers research ways to trigger as many people as possible to spend as much as possible.
“If he ever ran”
They can make AI really clever and very challenging, but it turns out people don’t like it that much.
You can acknowledge that Blizzard can do whatever it wants with their prize-money and still offer critique on what they do as a company or even go as far and decide you no longer wish to utilize their services.
I haven’t seen a significant amount of people who in the past supported the private character of social…
I doubt they’d ever go as far. However I’m quite sure that Fox News is already making sure that their Fox & Friends blonds will spew something bizarelly cutesy like:”Oh no poppop, what are you doing?” and then Mr Dumbdumb & OldWhiteGuy#54 will clap and laugh and try to blame it on the grandchildren.
I once walked up to the wrong appartement on the wrong floor. Fumbled with my key for a good 5 minutes (I couldn’t open the door without key) and then noticed there was another stair upwards (I lived on the top floor)
I wouldn’t be surprised, that when they first taught him to tweet about it, they had to explain him that it was not a coupe dame blanche, as he once ate several time in a row in “Urop”.
Now now. With the economic troubled ethno-nationalists, we need to stay tolerant. Ask if they only want to purge half of our families and/or communities.
“Such power pose, much presidential” said the intern sarcasticly, while pointing at an angry bloated toad, when teaching The Presidentest Ever.
Wthout a doubt, he already inquired about the biggest Nobel Price, if it isn’t too “socialistic” , why USA doesn’t have such award show, if they can rebrand it to the Trump Freedom Price and if the awardshow can be held in one of his hotels.
Interesting to see what bothers US folk
Bootstraps are for those people, poor and brown one. Please pull me up and give me loads of monies for existing