
I can say with certainty, that every knuckledragger-in-plaid that took offence, is doing so in bad faith. They were not offended, they just saw a chance to fly their “economic-anxiety”-flag high.

The flag stands for freedom! Police and our military help protect the freedom that so many have died to provide.”

They can

First he needs to tweet #Witchhunt. No point of hiring a Concerned Conservative(tm) without the Fabricated Victimhood(tm) add-on.

They gave Trump all little card with “our Nation”, “the troops” & Freedom”.

I heard Pure Flix has already bought the script

We can be reaching 70 and people will be still using “Millennials” as a dogwhistle term for “the Other”

I mjust know the “millennials” will have been implied to be just rich young 20 year olds, that had “YOUTUBE!!!!!!!” jobs. and not a nearly 40 year old overworked mom, who can’t afford to buy a house or healthcare.

He could mobilize the State Guard to monitor white kids who have access to firearms. You know, to assure the security of the affected communities and inform people that are part of it. Just like he did during the US military exercise Operation Jade Helm.

Or you give them a receipt with a number on, between 1 and 200. When the order is ready, you yell/say/display the number.

Warriors, don’t forget to level up your unarmed skill. 

I stumbled into a “Most Iconic EDM Songs” list on Youtube. The description, then declared that whoever made it, decided to only cover releases from the last 5 years.

I really had the urge to comment that a track, released 5 years ago, can’t possibly have reached “iconic” status. However, I didn’t. It would be futile.

It has chemicals in it, unlike all natural food, that is just full of all naturalness

Nike doesn’t have a “FREEDOM”, “GUNS OR TYRANNY”,”ROARIN EAGLE” orAmerica Bestesteststeststtt!!!” line. Clearly a Christian hating communist brand.

In Belgium a satirical site decided to call it quits for a while. While plenty of people were gullible enough to confuse their satirical articles for a real ones, nowadays they felt as real news had way surpassed their satire.

Reign Of Fire and Gamer are among my faves. Not necessarily because of Ol’ Gerard though.

God-Emperor Trump has no time to understand geopolitical issues, he’s too busy playing 2,5D ches (yes with one ‘s’). Whatever the white moving picture box man, whom he likes tremendously, yells, is what Second Messiah Donald feels to be a relevant fact.

Commeting on people their composure is petty as fuck, but what is going on with his “submissive scowl” (head title forward, with his eyes slightly looking upwards).

I’ve always felt the view of some US citizens regarding Starship Troopers peculair.

If there is an abortion sale, does that imply:
a. Abortions are on the decline and they try to generate new clientele.
b. Abortions are a seasonal thing and they try to bridge a period of lower sales

Then again, it is the idea of a Socialist hellscape and it is a US Government clinic, which means people would not have to

They also Support The Troops, until the troops require support for healthcare, financial aid, social assistance, etc...
They also Stand With Israel, except when the banks, the government, Hollywood and everything is else is controlled by “The Jews!!!!!”
They also believe In FREEDOM Of Religion, as long it is theirs and

“conservative minded people”, you intentionally use a vague and general description to cover up the fact that it referred to very specific type of person, that felt specifically encouraged by Trump’s rethoric and demeanor.