
That flag is propaganda! Cthuluist propaganda:

I think far too many are just concern trolls. You’ll also have plenty of virtue signalers, demanding purity in the hopes of being equated to it.
You’ll find very few who honestly demand absolute retribution and honestly care about the victims. I know it’s a very cynical view.

In the ops example it’s stated that it concerns a despicable person having the same political views.
In your example you state voting for a despicable person for having the same political views.

I remember the good old days when Fox News was generating outrage instead of mitigating it.

The days where putting the left sock on fist, was proof of communist sympathies.
Nowadays Trump can tweet out sensitive to secret info and Fox News will be like: “Oh he’s such a silly scamp”.

Yes and I’m sure they try to find ways to deal with the US government that doesn’t involve dealing with Trump.

For me Lovecraft fits in that category. I love lovecraftian horror, even written by Lovecraft. However I hold no love for the misanthropic racist that was Lovecraft himself.
I have loads of things with Cthulhu on, but I will refuse to have anything at home (bar a back cover with his picture or a reference work) with

Providing your post is earnest (the Richard and Morton, thing makes me skeptical about your intent)

It’s more like a satirical tribute show to popular scifi, speculative fiction and horror. It’s riffs on various tropes, while at times fully indulging on them. It often also parodies and combines plot elements from

What about villa’s, hacienda’s, outlaw hide-outs, luxury coaches, armored coaches, possible saloon management options, for all we know they might implement a train-war expansion, where you have buy and use to various armed and armored locomotives and carriages.

I might give this series too much credit but various moral, philosophical and psychological aspects has have been popping explicitly and less explicitly during the first season.
I can’t name them all (it’s been too long since college), but it is noticeable. I wouldn’t be surprised if the erasure of their selves ties

I want to smelt cheese on those abs and have some fondue. I’m not even attracted to men, but sweet mother of..

Well duh, they don’t only eat their young. They also eat their elderly, their neighbors, their colleagues, their loved ones, their needy, their vulnerable, etc...
It’s called the pull-up-by-the-bootstraps diet.

Yesterday 2 cops in Belgium were caught writing out random fines, forcing people to pay immediately and stashing the payed money in their own pockets.

A very bright soul commented on Facebook that the behavior is very rare, the cops will be more than required punished and then went on a rant on how the media never

Calls anyone who points out his argumentative mistakes “leftist” and “liberol”. Yells “it’s called freedom of speech, leave me be!” whenever someone contradicts him.

Shep has called out Fox News nonsense oddly frequent in the past 3-4 years.

I’ve noticed a word only rarely used in English. Gratis means something is free of charge, but it doesn’t imply it’s given freely as is.

 In Belgium we have the expression “gratis en verniet”. Translated “gratis and free”** implying that the product was free of charge and given freely as is. While if something is

“Shreeh! She is not the persident!!! Shreeh! Big banks and elitist hoaxes! Shreeh! Hilary voted against the gayes lifestyle!!! Don’t liboral love that lifestyle?! Shreeh! SHILLLAAARYYYYYYY! SHILLAAAARRYYYYYY! SHREEEEEEEH!”

To answer your question as it would likely be presented by a Fox News acolyte.

Or create a setup with automatons, make a papier-mache installation that slowly crumbles down, Use puppetering, use consenting humans, make an animated shortfilm, ....plenty of ideas and I’m a self-declared uninspired hack.

And roving bands of Prussian mercenaries .

Rather prepare for the dumb remarks we (well not me literally) will throw at you. You might also get far more congratulations than you’d wish for.

Most European countries are still walking a tightrope between authoritarian populism and right wing liberalism (European definition of liberalism). It is also becoming

Stargate SG-1, every planet was somewhere in British Columbia.

I knew Canada was huge, but that’s The Doctors telephonebox huge.