
I miss the days when the whole world, nay the hole universe in various series was basically represent by wooded area somewhere in Vancouver.

I fully expect her to live in a huge loft and either eat from various boxes of delivery food or hang out in some expensive but cozy coffee bar.

If not, I’ll be sending a sternly worded telegram to the producers.

I wouldn’t post it on Instagram though.

Sounds like someone putting a positive spin on: “Well, they haven’t murdered anyone yet.”

Why would you need to stress the fact someone is the best “behavior-wise”?

I need my sunglasses to look at it, such amount of virtue signaling is blinding.

Ghost In The Shell was gorgeous film, underminded by a shallow approach to mishmash of topics presented in the various anime renditions.

Like the scene where a guy discovers that all his memories are fake and his real life is forgotten. In the anime his breakdown felt more poignant. In the film it was treated like a

He’ll just yell that the map is a big meany and liberal biased, stomp his feet, shit on the floor and run off.

It’s been overused, but I think this is a situation where it can rightfully be used.

I can’t even.

Six Sigma, the proof that some industry concepts just exist to pay itself.

I only realized recently that GW2 has lot in common with Ubisoft-like open world games. You basically get a map, with various locations where you can do stuff. Every so often a quest pops up related to your character or the game.
The npc’s with a looking-glass icon basically functions like the infamous “towers”. You

Laughing is a remnant from a panic reaction and smiling is grinning that is socially acceptable. Grinning was and sometimes still is meant to show being threatening or feeling threatened.

So it is not unusual that laughing and smiling are the result of distress, confusion or shock.

To be bluntly honest I don’t carry much sympathy for a lot of people claiming to be Antifa. Too many of them (in my experience) are bullies and I’ve frequently questioned if they don’t just switch patches when it conveniences them.
I’ve known three that were verified football hooligans and a family member of a friend

Specs HL:

Some casual browsing turned up that it is likely using GZDoom or something. Definitely not the original Doom engine.

I wonder how many onions were sacrificed to get those crocodile tears.

Not only their amusement. Also for clicks, internet fame and possible ad-monies.

If you want to compare a whoopee cushions to setting up a situation where you knowingly blame your child for something he didn’t do, yell at him and threaten him. Yes, whoopee cushions are still okay.

Blak was delicious, last time I was in Paris for work (7-8 years ago) I bought myself 4 cans to “savor”. I savored them all within 5 hours..

I once shared an actual EU proposed bill (proper confirm-able link and all) regarding Monsanto and seeds, when people kept sharing that Monsanto had paid the EU to get complete control on seeds, even from gardeners.

Of course the bill, the shit article/blog post referred to, didn’t deal with Monsanto specifically,

The way this kind of news spreads actually predates social media. It’s now just more easy to have it spread faster.
Back in the day it went as followed: I’ve heard that “x” happened. Must be true because this vague difficult for you to contact acquaintance of me said so.