
What magus-21 pointed out and also don’t forget media coverage bias. Only seeing pictures of general attractive people, doesn’t mean they are the norm for the most active or dedicated members of the cosplay community.
It tells more how something is being chosen to report on, than the actual popularity dynamic might

You are wrong. You are arguing by using facts and details that can be looked up by even only using Google.
You should use out of contect Bible verses, selectively redacted constitutional amendments and popular but completely wrong historic anecdots. 

Liberuls and their love for facts, lol.

Risk related behaviour kind of drops off as people (especially men) grow older.

Lets start with: Linda Hamilton, Sigourney Weaver, Lucy Lawless, Taraji P Henson, Angelina Jolie, Lucy Liu,Carrie-Anne Moss, Milla Jovovich, Nancy Allen and Grace Jones and lets roll the badassery and explosion-porn from there.

I know that Grace Jones isn’t an actress, but lets go nuts anyway.

Oh and I demand a

iDubbz rose from a few 100.000 subs to 3 million in a really short time (about 1,5 year or so).

What makes him fun is that he has self depreciating humor, a penchant for the absurd and he can actually clarify his own points.

What make him look shitty is the necessity to use racial and sexual slurs regularly. It gets

Yes some definitely would. Maybe different people with a slight overlap with the previous group though.
Regardless, Disney and Youtube can cut ties as they see fit. Especially in the case of Youtube it is the risk you take as a content provider on their site.

Regardless of intent, it clearly shows that being internet

Titus Andromedonis part of my continuous growing pantheon of spirit animals. Some of my spirit animals are just random species of animals as well. It’s half a circus to be honest.

and President Pus Oozel

““Mr.Xi has not spoken to Mr. Trump since Nov.14.” We spoke at length yesterday!”


That’s like saying “People say I’m drinking constantly. Lies, I’m not drinking now!”

Fucking ignorant overboiled ham of a buffoon, a 5 year old has a beter grasp of what makes a compelling argument.
And fuck the fucking fuckers

They don’t understand how a lack of judicial branch will harm them as well eventually. If one law allows for arbitrary guilt by suspicion nothing will require proof anymore.

In Belgium a proposal is being made that ‘foreign’ (aka non-white #NotRacist #Security ) offenders can be deported to their country of origin.

Having to break the law in order to be able to have a completely legal job and I thought Belgium was absurd

Basically it will be a commercial with a tepid Christian inspired country song, burly construction men with 5'0 clock shade, a bunch of American flags and an overcooked ham overseeing it from the White House balcony.

Slaanesh abides!

Bring It On are masterpieces and I’ll fight anyone who disagrees.

Dude never play a daily mirror on your second turn.

1/10 trolling
That 1 is for effort to actually respond to my post and vaguely connecting to the context. You have a long way to go, in order to refine your style.

Don’t give up though, greatness is in sight.

I think (as a dirty heathen commie European) that the main difference was
Bush - Cheney were mostly driven by greed. It didn’t feel like they were out to get all power and control. They also didn’t run on a platform of xenophobia and totalitarianism (as far as I can remember).
Iraq and Afghanistan was bad, like really

Isn’t the US the only country in the world who unilaterlay can perform attacks on foreign soil without being declared war upon?
It’s become so accepable that it is a overused thrope in films and tv-series that are broadcast internationally.

Can you imagine an Egyptian military unit attacking some place is Greenland for

For a moment I thought Sandra Bullock was Posh Spice

Isn’t it time we start driving bigger ecological trucks, call the rainbow flag ‘heritage’, demand for a national day of sacrifice for our lord Cthulhu, question big religion and start a 24/7 news channel the is proudly unhinged and irreverent?