
It’s like a lonely kid that claims to be popular:
“I had plenty of friends at my birthday. My mom, a table and me”

Difference being that I would feel sad for that kid.

Sprinkel him with gold

I heard that Trump reached out to August Cole as a decorated veteran from Delta Squad. He’d be heading up a special urban kids outreach program, because Cole is said to be into games.

EQOA was my first introduction to MMO’s as far as I can remember. I liked playing it at that time, because I didn’t know any better. But I now feel that the game was a complete shitfest. I had plenty of laughs playing it, but usually for the wrong reasons (bugs, glitches, xp-dept despair).
That said it was a bold move

As long they us the IP of someone else and are in breach with the user and/or license agreement that comes along with it, they are considered a pirate server.

FYU I’m not judging anyone, but if you pirate, at least have the guts to be honest about what it is.


In that case at least VW enjoyed the rebranding. Like many world war active companies did.

Trump on a German car. Irony.

In Europe it’s mostly mouth-breathers who harump for Trump, because “he’s saying it like it is”. However, anyone even slightly more developed emotionaly and/or cognitive, no matter how far right they are, despise Trump. (that’s my experience at least).
So the question begs, how many mouth-breathers are there in total

‘Some balls’ according to the t-shirts. It doesn’t specify whose. I presume these manly men, burly bro’s and definite dudes kind of donate theirs if needed for Pelect Brorange.
Of course sharing balls with the government would be mighty socialist.

The Women’s March on Washington (make sure to invite your bro’s)

It’s the same man who cried that everything was rigged against him, that every set-back was a yuge conspiracy, that he had to fight an uphill battle as a little man...and then he won easily.

I’ve started to call people like your conversationalist “snowflakes”. They tend to disappear if you put to much heat on their opinions.

Also ‘he played them like a violin’. In a rational society a president shouldn’t be playing the media like a violin. Does she even know what that particular saying means?

Likely stole someone’s else.

If you choose to parrot some rancid corporate slogan because you have to make ends meet and other job offerings are scarce. Then I understand.

If you already have couple of millions in the bank and you still spew racist ignorant shit because you have to. You are either lying about the being forced part or you value

Looking at what has been leaking out regarding Fox News internally, it might just be because it is seen as acceptable over there.

On offdays we sometimes skip on the groping and raping, much to the disdain of RealMen and Concerned Conservatives.

I’m a dude and according to jezebel standards likely a “chauvinist pig”, but those type of dads creep my out to no end. I once asked such a dad why he kept posting shit like: “you touch my daughter, I touch your face...with a fist” and his answer was: “wait until you have daughter” and when I remarked on the fact he