
I actually get nauseated by the excessive usage of euphemisms when marketing 'feminine products", maybe I'm not a real guy then.

There is a difference between eliminating a threat to protect your offspring and eliminating a third party to protect your offspring from a threat.

Men pretending to be women on the internet has been quite common since the days I was boy and setting my early steps on the online (mostly irc back then). So it doesn't really come to me as a surprise that these bloggers are revealed to be men as well.

Like a boss, I presume.

Answer to your question: a singularity.

I actually love that piece, so I don't mind hearing it in several trailers.

Like when no-one would by MW2. XD

So you are a former car-asshole that now rides a bike.

Every single dud who cried they wouldn't be buying MW2 and eventually did. I'm even less inclined to buy COD products, but I now Activision will be successful with this scheme. Kudos to them, if they are able they deserve to exploit all the "fans" in any way possible.

Steampunk is for losers! Go, go, Gaspunk!

I'm usally fairly bored by male-focused commercials. The oddest one as are those from a belgian beer called "Jupiler". Every commercial features manly men doing many manly menly things at the same time like rafting to a mountain, climbing it and playing football (soccer) on top of it. They suddenly become sad because

BG wasn't an action rpg, neither was Planescape.

Filming is the just the act of registering a moving image. Not sure what your point is.

Ah i see. Yea, most Japanese mecha-stuff tends to similar in design. Either jets-to-mechs, giant humanoid mechs or the AC/ FM/ Patlabor things. Evangelion is the only I can bring to mind that step-out of the mold design-wise.

Front Mission started out as a turn-based strategy game, while AC has always been an action-game.

The truth? Ignorance is bliss.

I only wonder if this game will get the 20 buck extra hike, like MW2 did.

Europe, reporting in. No-one got raptured. Damn you Catholic church and your acceptance of evolution theory!

It's a long honored tradition started by Golden Eye on the N64 and perfected in Max Payne

"So while the comment is directed towards the character, it becomes directed towards the player through transference."