Genre shows...what genre?
Whether you fight the bosses or not, you can still reach lvl85. If reaching a specific level demanded that you finish a specific raid or dungeon, then you'd have a point, but contemporary MMO's are not build that way. To reach a level in WoW has not become more or less easy, the time required has just decreased.
There are people who like rubbing their genitals or ornaments. Sick and/or disturbing people can be found anywhere. The 63 old man found these kids sexy regardless, not because he took pictures of them.
All MMO's that solly have you grind to achieve stuff are easy. Having to grind for 6 months instead of 6 weeks, doesn't make it more difficult, just more tedious depending on your preferences.
The trailer keeps reminding me of Judge Dredd, so I'm going to refer to this film as Judge Priest vs ZombieVamps.
You are commanding the short-squad.
We should start arming ourselves and watch these fish very closely. They are up to something, I can feel it.
"That is, it's unmanly to stop a coworker from harassing a woman if the woman is a stranger.
- I'll show you a pentagon!
Quite true. Not only broadcasting rights are different for each country in Europe, the various artists rights companies run their own little national monopolies. Distribution companies have frequently asked for a pan-European arrangement, but it's getting block every single time. The Distributors can simply not be…
Half-remebering the mythology of Zeus he'd look like twenty when he'd like to seduce some girl and he would turn into some giant when trying to intimidate someone.
I was already told so, but seeing a skinny, scrawny, 16 year old Zeus is a bit off-putting.
The great white sharks would protest.
We call that a MMO.
You do realize that US studios rather do an Americanized remake than allowing the distribution of a foreign language film. Not because they are chauvinistic as some claim, but they fear that Moonspeak dialogue won't bring in the big bucks.
With whitewashing they mean "Caucasian-inze the shit out of it". Last time I checked the US was not a purely Caucasian affair. Althought British films cast Brits, they would not cast someone white to play an Indian character.
I also hate the term genre fiction. It doesn't even mean anything as far as I know. Everything is a genre. The first time I encountered the expression was on a documentation about sci-fi, horror and action films in Australia.
I'd heart you if I still could.
PS4 will be a dimension travelling devices. You will literally be able to purchase a separate dimension to play with. Soon a dimension-rights group will step in and ask for more protection for vulnerable dimensions.