Zero Sense or Sensibility
Zero Sense or Sensibility
Dyed and Prejudice by Emily Austen
What’s interesting to me is that a conversation that one would have thought would have been about the dominance of rape culture and how to change it devolved almost instantly into another slanging match about the race and entitlement of men. You are one of the few people even commenting here that seems to have…
Meh. As an attorney, I’m used to people mixing up civil and criminal law, then blaming the lawyers.
A few weeks ago I went to DC and street parked. About 45 minutes later the barricades and police showed up — they were clearing the street for the presidential motorcade. It was really cool to see it go by — something like 27 vehicles — and they made sure the street was entirely and completely devoid of traffic.…
I don’t know what part of the Midwest you were in, but around here everyone thinks they are a trash bird that spends its time shitting on golf courses. And walking around with a conveniently golf ball sized head at the end of a long golf tee like neck, acting like I wouldn’t murder its smug ass given half a chance.
I have a feeling this man has never pleased a woman well enough for her to take him to Red Lobster.
Neutral: Where Does AI Lead With Automobiles?
Lance Armstrong would have given his left nut to only have had a 2 year sentence against him.
I wonder how many dyslexic suicides were meant to have a murder first.
Well, the U.S. Supreme Court said corporations are people, so.........
It’s actually frightening to me how completely callous people are about the life of a CHILD. I get that gorillas are endangered but good lord.. Valuing an animal’s life over that of a little boy seems sociopathic to me, and yet it's a common reaction to this event.
Duh, the real criminals here are the parents who dared to look away for a second. I’ve also been told by about a MILLION people on another thread that helicopter parents, not guns, are to blame for the UCLA student who killed their professor, then themselves. Don’t watch your kids close enough? Burn the witch! Watch…
To recap:
Yup. Can’t leash the runners. Get shit on when the runner runs. You can do no right.
I want to know what any one of these fucking lunatics would have done if it was their child in the gorilla enclosure. I truly am devastated that the he had to be killed. It’s awful. But between that and a child being ripped to shreds while dozens of people looked on, I’m going with shoot the gorilla.
Damnit, I’ve spent all morning engaging in debates on Gawker’s main page about why it’s fucked up that Peter Thiel may have bankrolled the Hogan Lawsuit, and all this time I could’ve been chilling out here with you guys.
I love the squeak! Do not speak ill of the squeak.
This is a reasonable and correct take and has no place in Kinja.