What is there to speculate about? They’re just a set of mouse-man twins who may or may not sleep in the same bed every night.
What is there to speculate about? They’re just a set of mouse-man twins who may or may not sleep in the same bed every night.
These pictures tell me that one of these guys at some point learned the more flattering way to position your head when you’re having your picture taken. And he never explained it to the other guy because it allows the audience to unconsciously assign him the role of the more attractive twin. He’s a terrible brother.
I can’t look at their faces directly. Like I have to force myself to look at them from the corner of my eye. It’s almost like there’s something off-center about their faces? Like something’s slightly askew and when you stare at them directly you feel slightly off center?
He actually had a bunch of different sons. All of them were named Bobby and curiously were never in the same room at the same time.
Oh my god, I cheered so loud for Renata when she goofily banged on that car window. Setting her up her intrusive, obnoxious behavior was absolutely perfect because it was used as comic relief the whole series and in that moment, it was Celeste’s salvation. Such good storytelling.
I watched the finale with my mom last night and it evoked so much emotion. We ended up talking for hours about the death of my abusive father and how fucking cathartic, almost primal, it felt to see the maenads defend Celeste and the village’s victorious celebration on the beach.
That was one of my favorite scenes in Big Little Lies - when the therapist interrogated Nicole Kidman’s character and made it clear how easy it would be to discredit her since she never said anything or told anyone. I hope a lot of people see that and entrust someone with their situation.
His fake singing voice was comically mismatched with his speaking voice, in my extremely humble opinion
Counterpoint - divorce is super expensive and complicated, plus your spouse has rights to all sorts of stuff beyond just your citizenship. If you wouldn’t want someone making difficult medical decisions for you, don’t marry them.
I literally LOLd at Ben Wyatt ever sounding like that
That was the woman detective playing with her zippo lighter as she was doing through all the scenes with the greek chorus and in the police station. She was watching all five of the women being together talking. I think it’s a setup for a possible season 2.
Nancy Meyer’s go-to paint color is Natural Choice by Benjamin Moore. I know this because I once stopped at a house in town, rang the bell, and said, “I love this paint color! What is it?” Turns out the lady’s bestie works for Meyers and said this is the “Nancy Meyers color.”
But it had Duck Phillips!
They have a date set in Purgatory. Along with the cast of Suddenly Susan, Caroline in the City and all those other wanna-be Friends knockoffs of the ‘90s.
This is so creepy and I feel weird now.
While I believe that AbbyLM is a POS, I also believe the producers are collectively a big POS. I remember one episode when she was really upset and they furtively filmed her eating her feelings away in a car. It was such a personal, vulnerable, HUMILATING moment that my heart kinda broke (I’m not a monster) but just…
Prediction: Going to Bed Hella Early is going to take it all.
Sorry to spoil it, but there were paparazzi pictures from the set when they were filming a while back and Lena Dunham was walking around with a very large fake stomach on, so I think it’s safe to say that the plan is for Hannah to have her baby (or it was an elaborate dream/fantasy sequence).
I didn’t say that. I just want Claudia O’Doherty to get as many jobs as possible so she becomes the superstar comedian I know she is.