can we talk about how incredible the underwater episode was?!?
can we talk about how incredible the underwater episode was?!?
It’s really good and honestly given how much my generation was raised on TV I think it’s important for how it simultaneously calls out overly-romantic/idealized notions of life you might have from basing things off sitcoms and other fiction (my fav line is “when you wear rose colored glasses, all the little red flags…
Okay internet, I own that beautiful house around the corner I’ve been lusting after. I’ll be moving in on Friday. Thanks for letting me speak that into existence. I’ll tell my neighbor to pack up.
When I was 16 I had to have “the talk” with my parents. And by “the talk,” I mean “Stop it with the soft toilet seats, the whole town thinks we’re tender butted weirdos.”
YES!! And you just KNOW it’s never really clean...
Am I the only person in the world who has never used Uber?
Drugs, man.
I believe it was sincere.
I’m 66 years old. I became a feminist when I was 5, and my older sister was told she could “join” a model airplane club my father belonged to. She could pay dues, but not attend meetings or meet because she was a girl.(My father promptly “unjoined” that club!) I’ve been waiting 61 years for today.
You think Escobedo is an English name? stfu.
Sounds like both parties are hot messes. I feel bad for the kids. The only thing that is certain to me at this point is that annulment is bulls**t. You had FIVE kids with this woman. You’re ridiculously rich. PAY UP. You can probably find enough money between your couch cushions, you cheap-@ss bastard.
Please thank this loyal citizen for planting the seed.