Prometheus Maximus

They have both messed up. They are huge corporations that rush products to the public because they have a fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders to increase profits. Capitalism sucks.

I’m defending entrepreneurs. You’re attacking people that are trying to create new markets in a world that no longer has room for a lot of the old ones.

So..by that definition, the arts is useless to you. Wall Street is useless to you. Most service industries are useless to you, unless they are taking something you physically own and literally improving on the value. Your education is essentially worthless, by this standard, since your actual value hasn’t gone up,

She isn’t professing ignorance. She’s stating that she’s pro vaccine. That’s not hedging. Just because someone doesn’t word something EXACTLY how you wish, doesn’t mean they aren’t on the right side. Besides..where’s all this outrage with being anti science when Hillary is pro fracking? Or do you believe the evidence


You’ll lose that loose skin if you can get down to around 5% body fat. The reason the skin is loose is because there’s fat remnants hanging on to the back of it. Get down to around 5% and you’re going to burn them off. (It’s not exact..but around there)

I agree with what you’re saying, for the most part. The issue is the revolving door. People come into the FDA from Big Pharma. As soon as they leave, they go back to Big Pharma. If we had a universal health care system, a lot of that would get taken care off, simply because the profit motive of the companies would be

The drug companies have their people running the FDA. That’s the conflict of interest, bub.

Agreed :) I’m not running for president. I wouldn’t be allowed, since I’m using blanket statements.

I’m not talking about the people testing the vaccines. They aren’t the regulatory agencies. The FDA is run by this guy. Dr. Robert Cardiff. If you’d actually read my response, you’d have seen that I was talking about the regulatory agencies, and not the actual scientists creating the vaccines. Do your research, man.

So how is she supposed to respond? With blanket statements that a 5 year old uses? No. She’s a doctor, with higher cognitive brain functions. She stated that she’s unaware of any evidence linking autism and vaccines. Anyone who looks at that and says “See? She doesn’t advocate vaccines” is a Hillary supporter trying

Right. I hear ya. I’m not sure you’re hearing yourself.

Sure it is, but I can see the allure of a short sighted solution.

I love the idea of a woman president. Just wish it wasn’t such a horrible person being that nominee.

Agreed, but Youtube red pays the creators, adblock doesn’t.

Can we please stop praising kids singing opera? It’s not good. She’s pressing down to create the vibrato and after awhile, she’s going to do some serious damage. It’s a bad idea to throw kids into opera. Where is Charlotte Church now? They need to grow up! Have them learn the piano, or the guitar, or the violin. Let

Better a fat kid (he’s not fat) than a fat head. How are you going to fix that problem?