Blue Rose of Stark

they are ? How bout Matt Bomer ?

cheeky :))

Partridge Family I think I love you! Shoutout to David Cassidy and Shirley Jones.

Oh children come on now, Cricket is much cuter than Sia!
He'll be back don't you think?

Priscilla is important to this story I think, and quite a strong force.

" It would have been simpler and more logical, but apparently AHS doesn't seem to like that " You got that right !
I do understand what you're saying but I just don't follow. Having her be a witch during the Salem witch trials would've made more sense. Maybe Priscilla has a connection there.

You know it's like a tossed salad. Lily Rabe is another wild card
But if that scenario plays out you owe me a high 5.:^)

Freaky freakazoid but intaaaressting ! But alas, too good a plot for these writers :^/

And so current and chichi. Oh no.
American Horror Story Uber

Does Tony Curtis in Spartacus count?

Yes and I'm zsa zsa gabor. If you don't know who she is ?
Think rich and married 15 times.

But from what time period Nora?

She was in that scene. I could be wrong on this but Priscilla's time line is not from the original Colony.( I recall reading it somewhere, that her clothing wasn't from the time, later in 1800. )
It doesn't matter how old she is, she is the age she was when she passed.
For all we know she could've just been wandering

She was way over the top last night. Yes I adore her but she was parody. Sorry.

I forgot about him. He is ! I love his sweaters. Ah that's it. Reminds me of my Dad! I wonder if any of these reinactment characters are in this for realz…..
(Realz- thanks Nora Merhar) !


She's a Celtic witch. A Druid? Are we in Roanoke NC or in the middle of Stonehenge? Lady Gaga isn't believable in this particular role (are those really antlers on her head ? )
To me, Druid- as far as Roanoke goes is a hard pill to swallow. In her homeland they thought her a witch, burned her, &now she's in the

I know, right?
I'm a hetero female -but this season? No Evan Peters,(don't care if he is pigman) no Matt Bomer, no Finn Wittrock (thanks Nora) Cuba Gooding Jr is too whiny, Denis O' Hare is dead, Andre' Holland reminds me of my Dad, (thanks Akimbo) and Wes Bentley is totally embarrassing himself as an actor. ( Edward

I was embarrassed for them all. It's like they were doing horrendous accents on purpose. Oh! Maybe they were…..

Jailbreak Lee? You're giving these writers way to much credit. Dollars to doughnuts- Episode six happens and it all never happened -Thank you God.
My only hope is this: They are all (bad) actors too. Because if Wes Bentley's character is an actual character?