Blue Rose of Stark

true , this. Didn't he say to Bonnie while she took a break that he liked to see women sweating when he came into her yoga class ?

Likely the therapist was hoping to see her alone, and it was by luck , REAL luck the bastard was away.
The problem is—- Celeste by making' rough sex' the excuse , gives Perry justification . What an extremely dangerous situation she unintentionally put herself in !

I already said I feel low class, do you want to torture me even more? yeesh. Everytime I watch this and I see them eating outdoors, I think…. it could be me… it could be me
then I hear a voice
no it's not , no it's not….

First off - Thank you for sharing some of that with us ;(
That was a text book therapy session, agreed AJ . The entire scene was brilliant .
What ever that Dr.charges and this is Monterey we're talking about, she's worth it — was calm, mellow, even keel and knew where she was going. Also, showed real care and concern

It's okay really. I am just so happy there are others out there that feel the same way about the series as I do. I believe the vision of the young girl by Lenny was in reference to Dussolier's shooting. Lenny knows everything about everything and I've no doubt he'll save his best friend in some mystical way.

isn't she simply fabulous?!
No actress alive is as naturally unique as Diane Keaton. Even when she was younger had that strong aura. Like she's not acting , she really IS the character she's portraying , not overtly attractive, ever, she just made her mark by being her.
The Young Pope is really superb and casting

I haven't seen this episode yet- they DIDNT ??!!!!! Not the kangaroo !!!!

Another wonderful character, so human . And him and Sister Mary. I'm waiting for that steamy love scene. Well ok, a love scene .

Yes yes yes. Brilliant !

Well, you are enlightened , my friend. It's brilliant !

Hail Sister Mary- Full of Grace, Courage and Common Sense..
I thank thee anonyfool.

Oh so you DO know ! Thank God he's not dead.
Lenny has a vision. They save him. Just say maybe !!!

Wonderful AJ! Thank you for doing that for us.

Oh I hope you're right. He's great and I do love those threesomes ! Gimme some Throwback HBO and I get all misty eyed !

I think it's one of the best shows I've seen— ever.
Jude Law is more charismatic than I've ever seen him or any actor in any role lately. Damn if he isn't the Pope ! There I've said it !
I feel like I know Lenny intimately but then again I don't know him at all ! Could an orphan from NYC be the Pope ? Why? How? Oh ,

Oh gee you're a big help :^)!

Is Dussolier really dead?
Or was the Honduran narco a left over from True Dectective season 2?

Does this mean you like the show AJ?
Oh, I ADORE it and am mesmerized by the entire cast. It's astonishing.
Have you ever seen any actor so glorious as Jude Law is, in the Young Pope? It's him at his 'snooty I don't give a fuck about you best.' And it works and oh Lord, does it make you think , and WANT to think.

The best since Asylum? Not sure. I found the season very uneven. Asylum was terrifying legend . Roanoke was parody horror.

Where's that bar? I'll join you next year. That's my kinda place 😃!
During AHS we can do shots of Jack Daniels while wearing feather boas in honor of LizTaylor and pretend Mila Kunis is the waitress.