Blue Rose of Stark

Ya know, it pained me greatly ! They just leave her in jail?
The thing is : This is a reinactment , which means what would've been the big deal to show her as they did all season? Is she really - in jail?

Aw, is Cricket gone already?? Nooooo.
That's what ya get for saying "Gay for Pay" and Croatoan in the same sentence. Seriously , bad juju.
Hey, what was the deal on the Mott Family? I thought last nite was gonna be about Jupiter Beach backstory. All I caught was that one of the ancestors built the place via Denis O

Jordan is just so adorable in this. He so reminds me of Mr. Lyle in Penny Dreadful !
Kudos to Murphy for casting him again !

well said , heck, when you realize its AHS, hell, they fit right in.

Ed Harris adds class to whatever he's in. God,
He doesn't get older, he gets incredibly better. That face! The black !
While Evan Rachel Wood is today's Jennifer Jason Leigh or Uma Thurman. She has that gift or making feminine beauty seem as tough as nails hammered into flesh.
I am fucking knocked out, but that being

I also think it has Bibical reference. If we're talking about Satan?
When Christ cast out the Devils as Swine. And they fell off a cliff (or some such thing)
—-If the Ronanoke OTHER part might be in the antichrist genre

To be honest I think it was Cheyenne Jackson but really not sure u could be right.

Thank u. I got so upset last week I almost left the thread completely
Couldn't believe what I was reading— 2 eps in ? And, then the comments had nothing to do with the show, which really did improve——-ALOT.
If I want to read about someone's dating life, or advice to the lovelorn in 2016, I'll go to the' Love

Lots of things are pretend.
And before you say well to each his own , etc. I agree with you.
I'm a fan of Lars Von Trier, but I make damn sure his movies aren't on when kids are around.
Hotel 's 'addiction demon' with his 'drilldo' doing what comes naturally to a strung out drug addict and killing him? It was seen by

No. I think there is are no Lees. (SPOILER- AV, this is my opinion on Roanoke, likely it's completely off, a scenario, conjecture only)
In ep 3, I we heard the producer (Cheyenne Jackson? Evan Peters? ) speak with 'Lee' to calm her down.
I think all 6 originals from this fake documentary are actors that simply

Yeah when that one was thrust upon me, I though, oh my God, then - here we go again, another schlock shock scene that they made sure we'll never forget.
And gotta tell ya, it worked.
So obscenely gross visually and maybe more so —physcologically :/

oftentimes I wonder how this show gets away with what it does—-

Ditto. She is brilliant.

Thank you ! Well as soon as I saw Cricket I thought of her. I guess my second glass of wine made me think Oscar.
I never know with AHS. The wine softens the blow, if there is one. There usually is.

Exactly. The breast feeding. Oh Lana, no …. :^, (((

Why is Evan Peters on the credits when he hasn't shown up in the show yet ?
That is something they 're doing to throw even more craziness into this mix. If he is there, where the f is he?

Agree with you on all, it's an obvious change that could be the best thing ever or a total disaster.
Fans keep talking about 'breaking the 4th wall'. I think they did that when real Lee stopped the filming, and the crew came on the set. And we heard, I believe Cheyenne Jackson. At that point we were in 'real time'.

I also think if we are going with a '666 vibe', swine could correspond with a Biblical reference also. In the New Testament , Christ turning the devils into swine and they die by go over a cliff ? (That's not exact———- so sorry, just something I recall)

Well, we sure saw her last night, (although the wild children suckling the pig will remain with me forever, & what was that 'barn' about?)
Cuba and Gaga 'getting it on' while the good ole boys 'got themselves off' was a definite second. Ugh…..
That was AHS back in true 'AHS style'.
Even if, it made no sense!

Perhaps he's a ghost or a good entity. Not alive though, I don't think.
One very strange thing— not sure if it was mentioned- The repetition of phrases at the beginning of dialogue every so often.
" You see friends, you see friends, things are, not as they seem to be with these spirits." Cricket spoke this