Blue Rose of Stark

Ha! You caught me on my laptop catching up on my gossip sites, Yes, Jaime and Cersei made me laugh hysterically.
BTW, I loved Lady Crane :( Surely she didn't deserve her sickening end via The Waif) . BTW, she'd ve made a very good main character in the entire show for sure. Maybe they'll bring her back? As an actress

When I realized it, I thought Yay! Arya but then when they showed the inside I looked, saw what you saw and looked no more.
I have no idea how she did it though.

Coulda been that too! I was getting a Star Wars Empire vibe.

Ah perchance to dream….Such beauty gone to waste. That hair. That body. Those eyes.
That perfect figure.
Loras, I mean !

What do you think of my suggestion? I put it at the end in my comment :)

Why how wonderfully imginative you are ! Taking us back to Frank L Baum's classic. (And the Judy Garland Movie)
Nicely done—- but 3 things:

I feel the same way.
I think Im kinda sexy. Apparently not enough for my boyfriend though. He'd rather I look like Margaery Tyrell.

I have to amend above statement. Sweeter, yes, cuter eh—— Than Natalie Dormer? My boyfriend says no way, so there you go.

(and her 3 dragons)

That's so true-
when you're so sure about something or someone of Game of Thrones? It -can- turn out to be the opposite from what you were thinking.
Obversly, When you're not sure, it turns out to be the exact thing you wanted to happen but said, oh—no way, it's just too obvious.
Example: R+L =J.
Now I know that, just

I agree with you on everything.The show has made Brienne into a true heroine. Loyal like no other. I adore her character.
But I hate that they did not show her in the finale, they showed Sam and Gilly, even Little Sam and worse of all, DORNE and those snakes made it too !!!
So— now we have to wait a whole year to find

Can you explain:
Why say 'you people " a comment directed to many, to me?
I'm one person, not you people and can't answer for you people. I said I want Tyrion to be a Targaryen and just wishful thinking. It's probably not going to happen.
(Not mad at it but dont get directing it to me.)

And maybe its not Arya, maybe it's all one big Conspiracy theory !! !

She is wonderful. That's all I can say. Praying to the 7 for her safe return to Winterfell. I have banned Stoneheart from my mind forever so I am leaning towards thoughts that say she and Podrick will be safe. (I am very superstitious so I hope nothing in hertofore statement jinxes anyone)

My only (very very) tiny little thing in the finale was no Brienne. (and the Hound)
I know . No big deal. But hope it doesn't mean anything. (Brienne's my fave female character)

Oh cruel world deny me this sorrow .
A year away. ….
No wonder I've been so depressed. This is the only television show (calling it that seems somehow to belittle it ) I've ever wished could go on forever. I can think of a few shows I've loved, but Game of Thrones? My God, it's on a whole other level, like the

I enjoy puns —can't you tell :^) That was a good one !

Arya. Has to be Arya. The ultimate kill for the Stark that has had to claw her way to become the superheroine she is now. She is as tough as any man on GoT

Good point. I still though can't imagine why he wouldn't tell her. He went thru such hell for it. And I think Littlefinger knows the story.
Maybe as usual I'm overthinking.

Margaery was not that important in the books. When you have Natalie Dormer in your show, u keep a her around for the guys as long as possible.
I'm upset about Darrio .
Thanks a lot Tyrion. I love you but bad advice there, hon.