Blue Rose of Stark

Gilly is not only cute, Gilly is strong!


Really, I saw Sean as young & was stunned, the actor playing him couldve been him 100%. Everything surrounding GoT is amazing. The stars have aligned to make it what it is.
(What if we are now watching the pinacle of television and we dont realize it. Maybe that's crazy. But GoT's become so ingrained in our popular

I think time has come for Jaime to part ways physically anyway with Cersei. Or it will end badly.
Yes, he pushed Bran but he's been paying for it ever since. And I think Bran made Bran fall out that tower. Or the 3 Eyed Raven did.

Really. Jaime has turned out to be this tragic character whose sole purpose is to be there for Cersei. He would do everyone a favor by killing her. That being said we know he couldn't do it.
Arya could though—- (No one knows)

She should pray & pray often to the 7.

I couldn't make out anything human in the pie and really didn't want too. All I know is Walder Frey is off the list and no one's complaining :)

I remember it very well. The girl playing Lyanna in this ep wasn't a real beauty if you know what I mean- and to me it came off more natural. (yes I know she was dying, etc)
I've seen Ned Bean younger and that guy looks a hell of a lot like him! I could not believe it.

I guess Arya's list will come be completed now that she's trained and has the knowledge of the many faced God. She is now a master of disquise. A fine trait to have when killing one's enemies.

Thank you .
You know, Tyrion may get the chance to off his 'favorite' sister. He's now Hand to Queen Danaerys Stormborn.
Now there's the one Lannister that did well for himself.
That is if he IS a Lannister ?

Oh we all know it's going to change to Mormont shortly anyways !

Well said Thirdsyphon-

I have seen that too and you bring up a good point. Howland Reed knew about everything. What stake in this if any did he have besides saving Ned's life. Reed figures in the story but how? As far as Meera and John being twins, I figured her younger, more of Bran's age.
(Also wouldn't twins be a little too much like a

That's a good point. I didn't catch that. Odd.

Am I the only one that thinks Jon letting Melissandre ride off (South) in the North after confronted by Davos about Shireen was a big mistake ?
An uh, really big one?

Me too. I'm divided on that. If I had to say either way, she's going to go Littlefinger's way .
There's something about her that likes the devious side &she's already spent time in the Eyrie.
And if she learned from Ramsey as she claims to , that bears no good will for Jon Snow- not telling him about forces from the

Well you know,
You'd be a gloomy world weary bore too if you had 10 year old Lady Mormont constantly giving you shit about how to run The North. The kid's got Game.
She could even put Olenna Tyrell in her place! (Speaking of that —-didn't the old gal just make an alliance with Elia and Varys?)

If he had Targaryen white hair, it would've been so obvious (for the plot) In fan fiction illustrations) Lyanna had almost black hair, like Jon Snow.
I still have to wonder one one thing:
Was Caitlyn REALLY so naive or was it a ruse even in the books ? Why would Ned go to such extreme telling her Jon was his bastard?

I don't think Dany is on her radar. But to be serious, is lovely Lady Mormont going to be a player in the show? .
Last night I became a full on fan of House Mormont.

Did I miss something with Ghost? What happened?
He's Jon's direwolf. He was there when no one else was.
Maybe he's on a quest for Nymeria. I don't think it was ever explained really.