Blue Rose of Stark

Frankly it's hard to say what Sansa wants. There's still a part of her wanting a make believe Prince Charming to rescue her .
I think/hope she's smart enough to know that Littlefinger is not anywhere near charming. Then maybe Sansa is getting more devious. But devious enough to betray Jon?
With Littlefinger whispering

If Cersei lost Tommen and is acting like she doesn't given a shit, she's gone . In her mind he's a betrayer 1st. Son second.

The wildfire explosion was something I never thought they'd do on the show.
How many died , Besides all the Tyrells except Olenna. And wait til she gets the good news——

Agreed, he has been outstanding, didn't know he directed Hardhome.

Mad King Aerys. Mad Queen Cersei.
Aerys hid the fire before Jaime killed him.
If Jaime had gotten there sooner, the burning never would've happened.I was sure he would. But wow—-
The fact that Cersei is on that throne now is the f'ING scariest thing to happen since Bran came face to face with the Night King.

Hey don't laugh——

Well, the North certainly rallied around her. I'd say she's got some sort of Stark future ahead of her.
And have to admit- I'm very happy about that

On a rare happy note this evening-

He can't feel his face.
I like it

It felt like pure joy to me . That reminds me. Is Gregor Clegane aka the Mountain still on her list ?

And then cut to always thinking, Lord Baelish who caught her eye as she sat there, wouldn't look away and wasn't saying in a rousing manner with Lady Mormont, "King of the North!"
As usual with him, he had that * Dick Dastardly* twirling his moustache look on his face.
With Ramsey gone to the dogs, and the Night King

Do you know that to be fact or are you saying what you assume?
Have you dismissed Sansa completely?

Oh stop. It's a Stark inherited trait.

Seeing her on the Iron Throne and thinking about how she got there, pretty depressing , pretty damn depressing.

Arya killing that bastard Walder Frey might very well have been the moment of the night for me.
That really did happen right?

What does it take to console you luv?

For Dany to give Tyrion the respect and power his own family didn't was quite wonderful.
That being said, I get the feeling he's scared shitless——for what lies ahead.

No, it wasn't shocking, it was confirmation.
We see the Tower Of Joy thru Bran's vision, follow Ned inside, where Lyanna lay dying. She whispers
"Promise me Ned… promise me."

Young Lady Mormont has become quite the charismatic ruler of her family, Has she not?
She claims alliance with the Starks and the entire North follows !
All in all, quite impressive . What is she ? 10?

The black and white filming of everything against that neon green was mesmerizing !!!